Home Technology Resume / Writing Basic Manual for Freelance

Resume / Writing Basic Manual for Freelance

by Yasir Aslam
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How should you describe your freelance achievements, duration, skills, and aspirations in your resume or resume? In this article, I would like to explain the basic contents that people with freelance experience want to know about how to write a resume.

table of contents

1. Effective information that can promote immediate fighting power during the freelance period

2. If you need a resume even if you are freelance

2.1 When changing jobs to a full-time employee or part-time job
2.2 When receiving an order or contracting a business
2.3 When using an agent service

3. [By type] How to write a resume during the freelance period

3.1 In the case of freelance who
submitted the business start notification 3.2 In the case of freelance who did not submit the business start notification
3.3 In the case of freelance who used crowdsourcing
3.4 When receiving an order from a client and revealing the company name・ If you cannot reveal it

4. Tips on how to write freelance aspirations

4.1 When changing jobs to a company
4.2 When receiving an order or contracting a business

5. Recommended resume format for freelance

6. Summary

1. 1. Useful information that can promote immediate fighting power during the freelance period

If you do not write the freelance period on your resume thinking “I do not write because I do not know how to write” “Is the freelance period negative?”, The period of working as a sole proprietor or freelance is a blank period It will be negative to be seen as. What the interviewing company wants to know is not whether they are working or freelance, but what kind of experience and skills they have. Freelance requires clear skills, responsibility, work skills, and communication skills. Therefore, listing your freelance achievements in your resume is very useful information as it shows that you are ready to work. For this reason, I highly recommend writing your resume while working as a freelancer

Reason why you should write your freelance period on your resume]
・ Freelance experience and period will be an appealing point that you have immediate fighting power.
・ If you do not enter the freelance period, it will be considered as a blank period and may be negative.
・ What companies want to know is what kind of experience and skills they have.
・ Recently, few people have a negative image of the freelance work style.

2. If you need a resume even if you are freelance

You may think that you don’t need a resume because freelance is an individual contract, but you may need a resume even if you are freelance in the following cases.

2.1 When changing jobs to a full-time employee or part-time job 

If you change jobs from freelance to a full-time employee or a part-time job, or if you work side-by-side, you will need a resume as you would for general job hunting. In addition to resumes, companies may also focus on resumes.

2.2 In the case of project orders / business contracts 

Large corporate clients or clients who want to request ongoing deals, such as monthly or yearly, may be required to submit a resume.

2.3 When using the agent service 

For services such as agents that guarantee long-term employment with a single application, resumes may be as important as regular employees, so it is also effective to prepare a resume even if it takes some time. It will be a good way.

3. 3. [By type] How to write a resume during the freelance period

Since the freelance period is different from the work history that is generally written on resumes, many people may be worried about how to write it. Therefore, I would like to show you how to write a resume for each type of freelance.

3.1 For freelancers who have submitted a business start notification 

If you have submitted a business start notification to the tax office, enter the business start date in the work history column. Freelance is legally a “sole proprietor”, so we specify “opening as a sole proprietor”. If you also have a store name, specify the name of the office or store, and write down which work you have been engaged in in chronological order. The expression when you quit the activity is “closed business”.

[How to fill in the freelance resume for which you submitted a business start notification]
May 2010 Opened as a sole proprietor (“Yago”)
        Engaged as a Web director and designer
August 2016 Closed due to personal reasons

3.2 For freelancers who have not submitted a business start notification 

If you have not submitted a business start notification, enter “activity” or “engagement” instead of “opening”. It is common to enter the time when you actually started accepting orders for work. If you quit (closed) the activity, it will be expressed as “suspended”.

[How to fill in a freelance resume for which you did not submit a business start notification]
May 2010 Active as a sole proprietor
        Engaged as a web director and designer
August 2016 Suspended due to personal reasons

3.3 For freelancers who used crowdsourcing 

Enter the crowdsourcing site name, registration period, project name and number of projects in your work history. When specifying the activity history, it is better to express it as “registration” or “withdrawal”.

[How to fill in a freelance resume using crowdsourcing]

May 2010 Registered as a private business owner with Cloud Sourcing 〇 〇
        Approximately ○ orders for 〇 〇 Co., Ltd. (Job description: Web director, designer)
August 2016 Withdrawal from Cloud Sourcing 〇 〇
August 2016 Suspended due to personal reasons

3.4 When receiving an order from a client and revealing the company name or not 

If you undertake a job from a client, writing the company name will increase the credibility, but if you can not write the company name due to confidentiality obligation, write a simple job content in the resume such as “I am engaged in ◯◯ work in a certain ●● industry” I will specify it. In either case, it’s a good idea to include detailed work details in your resume, not in your resume.

[When revealing the company name]
May 2010 Undertake the project of ○○○ Co., Ltd. as a sole proprietor

[If you do not reveal the company name]
May 2010 Engaged in Web director work of a certain human resources company as a sole proprietor

Motivation for resumes is a very important item for recruiters. You need to identify what each employer is looking for and write it down on your resume so that your motives are clearly communicated. For those who are worried about their own motives, we also recommend using a career change agent who can create attractive motives with the help of professionals.

・ Get advice from a career change agent on how to write a resume / motivation

4.1 When changing jobs to a company 

It is common to change from working for a company to a sole proprietor or freelancer, but the opposite, “Why did you decide to change jobs from freelancer to a company?” Is one of the points that companies want to know. Make sure that the content you want to change to a company does not become negative. In addition, the number one motivation that hires seek from those who change jobs is “why did you apply for our company?” Instead of enclosing example sentences in books and online, let’s be able to convey the reason for aspiration that makes use of originality.

[Points of motivation for aspiring to change jobs to a company]
・ Do not write income and stability of life as motives for aspiration.
・ Based on the motivation for aspiring to be that companies can realize things that cannot be done by self-employment or freelance.
・ Write as aspirational motives that only this company can do, not general aspirational motives that apply to any company.

4.2 In the case of project orders / business contracts 

When ordering a new job, it is important to specifically appeal what kind of results you can achieve by matching your skills with the client who receives the job. If you can appeal this, it will catch the eyes of the client.

[Points of motivation for aspiring to receive orders / business contracts]
・ Appeal that your skills are directly beneficial to projects.
・ Enter specific numbers and achievements in an easy-to-understand manner.
・ Avoid writing too much as it may lose credibility.

5. Recommended resume format for freelance

You can download and use resumes and resumes required for job change activities from the Internet. The job change hacks site publishes templates for people who are confident in their careers and those who are not. If you use the “Easy Creation” function of Rikunabi NEXT, you can automatically create a resume and resume with the contents entered on the Web. Why don’t you look back on your experience and use something that is easy to appeal to?

[Rikunabi Next] Resume / CV download ・ With automatic creation tool
・ [Job change Hacks] Free download of resume template for people who are confident in their careers and those who do not

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6. summary

The track record of working as a freelancer is a proof of the immediate ability to live with one skill without the backing of the company. It has the potential to become an immediate force even for the company that applied for it. In other words, freelance experience is also a valid appeal point in your resume. Active freelancers usually record work details such as “what kind of experience I had in this work” and “what skills I was able to provide” each time the project was completed. It may be good to summarize as. Why don’t you refer to this article and actively promote your experience as a freelancer in your resume?

How to write skill sheets, samples, and templates that are useful for engineers’ career change activities

We have summarized the motives for aspiring system engineers (SE), example sentences and points that can be used for job hunting and job hunting activities.

Introducing motives for aspirations in the IT industry, points that companies place importance on, and example sentences that can be used for job hunting and job hunting activities

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