Home Technology How to develop a smartphone app? Easy-to-understand explanation of required languages ​​and tools

How to develop a smartphone app? Easy-to-understand explanation of required languages ​​and tools

by Yasir Aslam
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Are you worried about “I don’t know the language and framework required for smartphone app development”, “I want to know the procedure for smartphone app development”, and “I want to develop iOS apps and Android apps”.

So this time,

• What is a smartphone app?

• Smartphone application development procedure / necessary items

• Main languages ​​/ frameworks / IDEs used for smartphone application development

In the flow, I will explain how to develop a smartphone application.

We also introduce recommended qualifications and recruitment trends related to smartphone application development. If you want to know more about smartphone app development, please read it to the end.

table of contents

  • 1. What is a smartphone app?
  • 2. Smartphone application development procedure / necessary items
  • 3. Main languages ​​/ frameworks / IDEs used for smartphone application development
  • 4. Recommended qualifications related to smartphone application development
  • 5. Recruitment trends related to smartphone application development
  • 6. Summary

1. What is a smartphone app?

A smartphone app is application software designed to run on a smartphone.

Application software is application software that performs work that suits the purpose. Install and use on the OS.

GO is an app that integrates the nationwide taxi dispatch apps “JapanTaxi” and “MOV” into one. Using the GPS function, you can easily call a taxi running near the place you want to board.

Not only can you call it, but you can also specify the boarding position in detail. When you make a reservation, the arrival time will also be displayed, so you can board smoothly.

2. Smartphone application development procedure / necessary items

Let’s take a look at the procedure for developing a smartphone app and what you need.

Introduction By controlling the general flow of smartphone application development, it becomes easier to imagine what to do.

2.1 Idea

In smartphone app development, it is important to put together ideas for what you want to develop first. Let’s organize ideas firmly.

If you are a beginner, we recommend a simple memo app or task management app. You can lower the development hurdle by making the idea less complicated.

If your goals aren’t clear, you won’t know what you need. Make your ideas as specific as possible.


2.1.1 Summarize the specifications

A specification is a document that clarifies the conditions and contents that must be met when developing an application.

In the specifications for developing smartphone apps,

• Purpose of the smartphone app

• The value you want to provide to your users

• OS (iOS app, Android app, hybrid app)

• necessary function

And so on.

In addition, it is convenient to create a design drawing called a wire frame for the image of the smartphone application screen and screen transitions.

Wireframe means a blueprint for the layout of a web page. It is a diagram that shows at a glance where and what to place on the page. You can visually check the completed image of the page, which helps to make the production smooth.

2.2 Environment construction

Once the idea for the smartphone app is clear, build a program based on the specifications. Let’s start building an environment for writing code using a programming language.

To develop a smartphone app, the following development environment is required for each development language.


iPhone app Android app
Main programming languages ​​(development languages) Swift, Objective-C, Java Java, Kotlin, C #
Required development environment Xcode Android Studio


Build a development environment according to the application you want to develop.

2.3 Coding

If you can build the environment, it’s finally coding. We will write code using a programming language on the development environment.

Code based on specifications and wireframes. In coding, the processing of the program is combined to realize the required functions.

If it is difficult to imagine the specific processing from the required functions, it is recommended to make a detailed design. Detailed design is the process of defining the operation of each program by dividing the functions of the application for each process.

For example, consider a task management app. To register a task, there should be something like the following:

1. Check the value entered in the task management form

2. If the value is OK, register the data

3. Refresh the screen to display the registered data

By combining the processing of such a program, the task registration function can be realized. Detailed design is to think about this process concretely.

If you make a detailed design, it may be easier to make it than just thinking about “creating a task registration function” and starting to make it.

2.4 release

Once the coding is complete and you can develop your smartphone app, test it and release it to the app store.

Register the iPhone app in the “App Store” and the Android app in the “Google Play”.

After completing the registration process, you will have to wait for approval from the app store. Please note that in some cases it may take some time to approve, or the approval may not pass and you may be returned, so we cannot release it immediately.

If the app store approves, the release is complete. Anyone can install and use the app

3. Main languages ​​/ frameworks / IDEs used for smartphone application development

How to develop a smartphone app? Easy-to-understand explanation of necessary languages ​​and tools [Freelance engineer project information | Professional engineer]

In smartphone application development, the required language, framework, IDE (Integrated Development Environment), etc. will change depending on whether you choose the iPhone application or the Android application.

■ A tool that summarizes a series of processes required for framework development.
A framework that facilitates the development

■ IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Software (text editor, compiler, debugger, etc.) required for development is integrated so that it can be operated on one screen.

Let’s take a look at iPhone application development and Android application development, respectively.

3.1 For iPhone application development

Introducing the main languages, frameworks, and IDEs used in iPhone application development.

Swift is the mainstream in iPhone application development.

Prior to Swift, Objective-C was used. Keep in mind that some apps you want to develop still use Objective-C.


3.1.1 Swift

Swift is a language created by Apple Inc. for developing applications that can be used on iOS.

It is also widely used as an iOS application development language due to its interoperability with Objective-C.


Language overview A programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS. You can write code easily and intuitively, and it works lightly.
Latest version
(as of November 2021)
Swift 5.4
Official URL https://developer.apple.com/jp/swift/
IDE for major smartphone application development that is supported Xcode
Main frameworks supported SwiftUI

Xcode is a Swift development environment. It is available as a free download from the “Development Tools” category of the Mac App Store.

SwiftUI is a framework that allows you to build apps for all Apple platforms using Swift. Helps you develop iOS apps efficiently.

3.2 For Android application development

Introducing the main languages, frameworks, and IDEs used in Android application development.

The following two languages ​​are mainstream in Android application development.

• Java

• Kotlin

Let’s take a closer look at each.

3.2.1 Java

Java is the language used for mission-critical system development around the world. It is used in all developments due to its excellent versatility.

Since Android itself runs on Java, it is being actively adopted in Android application development.


Language overview It is a programming language that runs on any platform regardless of the OS. It is characterized by high processing speed and object orientation.
Latest version
(as of November 2021)
Java Standard Edition 17.0.1
Official URL https://java.com/ja/
IDE for major smartphone application development that is supported Android Studio
Main frameworks supported Android Studio, Processing, AndEngine

Android Studio is an IDE for developing apps for Android platform apps. With Android Studio, Android app development is almost complete.

Therefore, using Java and Android Studio is the royal road for Android application development.

The following article summarizes how to install Java. Please have a look if you like.

Let’s install Java!

3.2.2 Kotlin

Kotlin is a language developed by JetBrains, which is famous for its Java integrated development environment “IntelliJ IDEA”. Developed assuming cooperation with Java, it can be used interchangeably with Java.

It has been officially certified by Google as the development language for Android applications, and its market share is expanding.


Language overview A statically typed object-oriented programming language that runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). The code is simple and it is highly secure to prevent NullPointerException.
Latest version
(as of November 2021)
Kotlin 1.5.31
Official URL https://kotlinlang.org/
IDE for major smartphone application development that is supported Android Studio
Main frameworks supported Android Studio , Kotlin Native

Compared to Java, it is easier to write code and even beginners can learn it easily.

Used by over 60% of Android app developers. Recommended if you want to specialize in Android application development.

3.3 For cross-platform development

Introducing the main languages, frameworks, and IDEs used in cross-platform development.

Cross-platform means it works on both iOS and Android. In other words, you can create apps for iPhone and Android devices at the same time.

Two main languages ​​are mainstream in cross-platform development:

• JavaScript (React Native)

• C # (Xamarin)

Let’s take a closer look at each

3.3.1 JavaScript (React native)

React Native is a cross-platform app development framework developed by Facebook. Compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.

The development language of React Native is JavaScript. It’s an attractive framework because you can write JavaScript code and develop it on both iOS and Android.

JavaScript is a major language in front-end development. Therefore, the learning cost for web engineers to develop smartphone apps can be suppressed.


Language overview An object-oriented programming language that runs on the client side. By combining with React Native, cross-platform application development becomes possible.
Latest version
(as of November 2021)
ECMAScript 2021
Official URL https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/JavaScript
IDE for major smartphone application development that is supported Xcode (iOS app) , Android Studio (Android app)
Main frameworks supported React Native


3.32 C # (Xamarin)

Xamarin is a cross-platform app development framework announced by Microsoft.

You can create apps using the platform “.Net” for developing all kinds of apps.

The development language supported by Xamarin is C #. Therefore, if you write C # code, you can develop not only Windows apps but also Mac OS, iOS, and Android apps.


Language overview An object-oriented programming language. By combining with Xamarin, cross-platform application development becomes possible.
Latest version
(as of November 2021)
C # 9.0
Official URL https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/
IDE for major smartphone application development that is supported Visual Studio for Mac (Mac) , Visual Studio (Windows)
Main frameworks supported Xamarin

4. Recommended qualifications related to smartphone application development

How to develop a smartphone app? Easy-to-understand explanation of necessary languages ​​and tools [Freelance engineer project information | Professional engineer]

Here are some recommended qualifications related to smartphone app development.

If you acquire the skills by acquiring the qualification, application development should proceed smoothly.

Let’s take a look at Swift and Java entitlements here.

4.1 App Development with Swift

App Development with Swift is a qualification sponsored by Odyssey Communications Co., Ltd.


Qualification name App Development with Swift
Exam language English
* Japanese version of the test is undecided
Time required 50 minutes
Examination method CBT method
Exam schedule Year-round
Exam fee General: 10,780 yen (tax included)
Student discount: 8,580 yen (tax included)
Official URL https://www.odyssey-com.co.jp/app-dev-with-swift/

4.2 Oracle Certified Java Programmer

Oracle Certified Java Programmer is a private qualification sponsored by Oracle Corporation Japan.

There are three types of qualifications according to difficulty: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Silver and above are global qualifications that are universal and are the most popular Java-related qualifications currently in place.


Qualification name Oracle Certified Java Programmer (OCJP)
Exam language Japanese English
Time required Bronze: 65 minutes
Silver: 180 minutes
Gold: 180 minutes
Examination method Supervised Exam: Exam Venue or Online CBT
Method Unsupervised Exam: Online CBT Method
Exam schedule Conducted at any time
Exam fee Bronze: 13,600 yen (excluding tax)
Silver: 26,600 yen (excluding tax)
Gold: 26,600 yen (excluding tax)
Official URL https://www.oracle.com/jp/education/certification/allcertification-172551-ja.html

6. Summary

This time,

• What is a smartphone app?

• Smartphone application development procedure / necessary items

• Main languages/frameworks / IDEs used for smartphone application development

In the flow, I told you how to develop a smartphone application.

Smartphone application development requires different languages ​​for each platform, iPhone and Android. Clarify what kind of smartphone app you want to develop and prepare what you need.

Please take on the challenge of developing smartphone apps by referring to the content introduced this time.

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