Home Artificial Intelligence What is “AI Berisuto”?

What is “AI Berisuto”?

by Yasir Aslam
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“AI Berisuto” is a tool developed by game creator Sta and created with the cooperation of Google TRC. It is an AI trained from the largest parameters and corpus in Japanese and can generate highly accurate sentences. Attempts to use AI for novel production are currently being actively seen, and in the 9th “Shinichi Hoshi Award” sponsored by Nikkei Inc. announced in February 2022, 114 out of 2603 entries were submitted. The edition is created using AI.

AI Berisuto

AI Berisuto

In addition, since there were only 14 volumes last year, we can see how the field is leaping forward.
In this article, we will introduce “AI’s Berisuto”, a text/novel creation application software that AI will write novels on behalf of humans, and how it can be used, other than writing novels. I will explain if there is.

What is “AI Berisuto”?

“AI Berisuto” is a tool developed by game creator Sta and created with the cooperation of Google TRC. It is an AI trained from the largest parameters and corpus in Japanese and can generate highly accurate sentences.

It is an AI that knows 1.74 million books of knowledge when restored to paperback books and is a tool designed with the support of various institutions and developers.

AI makes a novel

Anyone can easily write a novel with the help of AI by using “AI Berisuto”.

By entering a few sentences at the beginning, the AI ​​side will generate a story development that matches the tone and context of the dialogue.

By further adding to the sentences created by AI, you can easily create a novel full of originality.

Options that can be set

In “AI Berisuto”, you can write a novel that is closer to your ideal by using various options.

Output options

In the output options, you can make detailed settings such as text style.

There are different settings such as “ghostwriter” that is faithful to the style of the original verdict and “creative” that can be voluntarily developed.

As a result of actually comparing the two types of settings, “ghostwriter” and “creative”, based on the default text, the following text was generated.

The result of generating sentences by setting with “Ghostwriter”

I am a cat. there is no name yet.
Such a servant is now on his dad’s lap.
“What’s wrong? I’m a very sweet boy today. ” “Nyaa
…” The
the hand that strokes me feels good. Father’s hand is very big.

The result of setting in “Creative” and generating sentences

I am a cat. there is no name yet.
Such a cat is a cat that is now kept by a young lady. No, cats may not be accurate. After all, the current body is not a cat but a human. Well, I’ll talk about that again someday let’s talk about myself for the time being. I and that

(* Black: Entered text | Red: Automatically generated text)

In this way, even if the first sentence you enter is the same, the output options allow you to change the style of subsequent sentences.

You can change the style of the novel with just one click.

Story setting

In the story settings, you can preset the rules you want to follow when writing a novel, such as setting prohibited words and footnotes.

Character book

With the character book function, it is possible to recognize settings such as people and situations when a specific word appears in a sentence.

When writing a novel, it is easy to forget the background and settings of the person, but by using the character book function, you can write a novel that sticks to the settings consistently.

Environmental setting

In the domain settings, you can make design adjustments such as the font of symbols.

You can make detailed settings such as changing the font and color of characters depending on the content of the novel.

You can also adjust the line spacing and character spacing, so you can set up a comfortable working environment.

Usage other than novels

“AI Berisuto” can be used for various purposes other than writing novels.

AI responses generated by the knowledge gained from learning a wealth of novels are useful in a variety of situations.

Help me with ideas

You can use “AI Berisuto” to get hints for ideas.

For example, you can get ideas for question items.

By entering the following questions, you can make suggestions for questions as well as answers.

Q. What is your favorite food?

He thought about the questions as follows.

Q. What is your favorite food? A. Grilled fish Q. What is your favorite music? A. Western music Q. What is your favorite book? A. Manga Q. What is your favorite movie? A. Western movies

Q. What is your favorite character? A. Dog Q. What food do you dislike? A. Natto Q. What is your favorite word? A. I love you

There are surprisingly many situations where you ask a question, such as communication with a person you meet for the first time or small talk.

Therefore, it is possible to make use of “AI’s best” when increasing the stock of questions within yourself.

Since you may be able to discover new ways of asking questions that you couldn’t think of yourself, we recommend that you take advantage of “AI Berisuto” even when you have an opportunity such as an interview.

You can also refer to how to turn back to a natural question.

Can be used for character settings

In “AI Berisuto”, you can use it to create detailed character settings.

Setting up a character usually takes a lot of time, and it’s the first stage of creation, but it’s also a difficult point.

If you enter the features, names, lines, etc. that you have already envisioned, AI can automatically generate subsequent sentences.

If you carefully select the ones that are more loyal to your image from the settings that you are developing, you can effortlessly set the qualities that can be used in various creative activities.

You can also create detailed character settings and features on the AI ​​side by inputting the following.

Name: (favorite name)
Gender: (male, female, etc.)
Personality: (bright personality, etc.)
The above character setting creation method uses the function to instruct the approximate text generated by “AI Berisuto”.

In addition to the name, gender, and personality, it is possible to make more detailed settings by writing similar items, so it is a function that should be known not only to novels but also to those who are employed in creative activities.

Have a summary of a story or sentence

In “AI Berisuto”, you can summarize sentences.

After entering the text you want to summarize

To summarize the story so far

You can easily summarize the text by typing.

You can also use it to easily summarize a synopsis when introducing a recommended book to someone or to narrow down the requirements you want to convey at a meeting in advance.

It is also suggested for those who do not have time to read long news information or who want to save time by knowing only the main issues.

You can also overlook important matters and discover new perspectives by comparing them with summaries that you have created for some purpose.

In addition, it can be used in different ways, such as comparing only the outlines of multiple articles to extract key terms.

Document what happened in the day and keep it in your diary

“AI Berisuto” has the story summarization function introduced above.

Therefore, you can easily create a diary text by typing in the events and feelings that happened in the day as prose text.

Many people find it difficult to get into the habit of writing a diary by hand, but if you use “AI Berisuto”, you don’t have to worry about that.

Keeping track of what you were thinking in the past can help you gain new insights when you look back at it later, and can also be useful as mental support in the face of problems.

Therefore, it is also recommended to use “AI’s Berisuto” as a trigger to keep a diary.

Think about meal menus and coordination
In “AI Berisuto”, it is possible to think about menus and coordination.

For example, by entering the following, AI will create a continuation of the menu in bullet points.

Today’s menu
·cooked rice

If you enter as above, AI will think about the menu as follows.

Today’s menu

·cooked rice

・Grilled salmon

・Miso soup with tofu and wakame seaweed


・Boiled hijiki seaweed

・Vegetable salad (cucumber, lettuce)

・Fried egg

・Octopus-shaped wiener

・Ham cheese roll

・Mini tomatoes

Also, if you want to think about coordination, AI will think about clothes by entering the following.

Today’s coordination


If you enter as above, AI will complete the following coordination.

Today’s coordination

-Sweater: White V-neck, dark blue. The sleeves are long.

・Pants: Black. The hem is rolled up.

・Socks: Black high socks (even calves).

By writing bullet points, various things are presented in a list.

If you are uncertain about the combination, you can use this function to make a quick decision.

Menus and coordination need to be considered almost every day, and many have the desire to remove them from their daily tasks if possible.

In addition to menus and coordination, it can be used in various situations such as how to spend the day today, books to read, and genres of movies to watch.

It is also recommended to use it when you want to know new options that you have never thought of.

AI’s literary award will be held!

Currently, a literary award called “AI’s Literary Award” is being held.

The deadline for submitting the first work is June 30, 2022, and any novel drawn using “AI Berisuto” can be submitted regardless of genre.

The experience of imagining new things with AI tools can be a great inspiration.
There is also a short section where you can apply from 1200 characters, so why not take this opportunity to challenge the literary award?


The “AI Berisuto” introduced this time is a tool that allows you to use extremely high-performance functions even when you use it for free.

Of course, if you’ve always wanted to try writing a novel, but you’ve given up because it’s difficult to develop a story, or if you want to save time writing summaries and questions, that’s not the case. We recommend that you try it once.

In addition to the ones mentioned this time, there are various high-performance AI tools on the Web that can be used for free.

If you are surprised at the high accuracy of this “AI Berisuto” or are interested in AI tools, we recommend that you also refer to the following articles.

If you ever want to know about similar things, check out the Facebook page Maga Techs.

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