Have you ever wondered , “What is Windows Server in the first place?” “What are the advantages of using Windows Server and what is the difference from UNIX?” Windows Server is …
Zoha Malik
What is a Linux engineer? Explains work content, annual income, qualifications, current demand, etc.
A Linux engineer is an engineer who specializes in handling Linux among infrastructure engineers. This time, I would like to introduce the detailed work contents, the annual income that you actually …
What is a security engineer? Is your work hard? Explains qualifications and future potential
Information security has become a particular focus in recent years. As a national qualification, attention is focused on training and securing security engineers who are involved in security-related work, such as …
What is the “GCP” fee structure? Introducing free tier conditions and fee calculation tools
“GCP”, a service provided by Google, is a popular cloud service along with the service “AWS” provided by Amazon. However, due to the pay-as-you-go billing system, you may inadvertently receive a …
How difficult is the qualification that is popular with AI engineers? I will introduce it in a list
Although AI engineers have been attracting attention in recent years, they do not have to be qualified. However, there are many qualifications that allow you to improve your skills and career …
What is a server engineer? A quick commentary on work content, annual income, future potential, etc.!
What is a server engineer? It solves the problem of wanting to know the work content, future potential, demand, and annual income. Server engineers are not tolerant of mistakes and are …
What is a web director? Easy-to-understand explanations of roles, work contents, required skills, etc.!
If you are looking for a web-based job, you may see a job as a web director. The word “director” means “director / director / executive producer”, but what kind …
What is a data analyst? Explains the meaning, necessary aptitude, and the theory of “work to disappear?”
It solves the problems of people who want to become a data analyst but want to know the required skills, suitability, work content, and future potential. Data analysts are jobs that …
What is a machine learning engineer? Is the lost work true? Explaining the required suitability
I’m thinking of becoming a machine learning engineer, but I don’t know what kind of work or what kind of skills are required. A machine learning engineer is a job that …
What is a QA engineer? We also explain recommended qualifications, annual income and future potential!
Do you ever wonder, “What is a QA engineer in the first place?” “What is the difference from a test engineer and what is its specific role?” A QA engineer …