Home Data Science  “How to transform business models by utilizing data”!

 “How to transform business models by utilizing data”!

by Yasir Aslam
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Table of Contents 

  • Company Profile / Background
  • Event overview
    • 2/9 program details
    • 2/10 program details

Company Profile / Background

“Data Cross Conference” hosted by DATAFLUCT Co., Ltd., which aims to deliver advanced data science more easily and cheaply and “democratize data utilization” to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of its founding, will be held from Wednesday, February 9th to 10th. It will be held online on Thursday.

DATAFLUCT was established on January 29, 2019 as a company that provides services that enable data utilization for all industries, and has launched 13 products ( SaaS ) in 18 months since its establishment.

Many Japanese companies are still stuck with DX from the perspective of “improving operational efficiency” and have not been able to realize true DX, which is “creating new value from data and transforming business.”

In addition, since the transformation of business models associated with data utilization cannot be achieved by just one individual or a handful of large companies, new value should be created from existing data by working together with as many companies as possible. This time, DATAFLUCT welcomed guests who are practicing business model transformation to promote the use of data in Japan. “Data Cross Conference” will be held for 10 days. There will be 7 lectures each, and a total of 14 lectures will be held.

Event overview

2/9 program details

event timeSession content
13:10 – 14:00Data x AI Double Harvest Strategy
~How to Create a Competitive New Business Using Data x AI~
14:00 – 15:00Profit maximization by data infrastructure and initial construction process
15:00 – 15:20Anyone can become a data analyst with no-code search through dialogue with AI
~Extended Dialogue BI “Thryving”~
15:20 – 16:00
The correct way to handle data based on DX cases that have brought about transformation through the use of big data and IoT data
16:00 – 16:20The key to DX is the use of
unstructured data. What data infrastructure strategies should be considered to make full use of unstructured data?
16:20 – 17:00Facts and Truths of Data Science
~ 8 Walls That Hinder Change ~
17:00 – 18:00What are the requirements for a manager in the AI ​​era?
How to create an organization that nurtures DX and AI human resources

On February 9th, Mr. So Hotta, author of “Double Harvest” and Mr. Hayato Kumemura, CEO of DATAFLUCT, will give a thorough explanation on how to create a new business with a competitive advantage using data and AI.

In addition, with the development of IoT and the rapid shift to online due to the spread of the new coronavirus, data within companies is becoming big data on a daily basis. Strategies based on these data are important for the success of DX, but handling a wide variety of data requires specialized knowledge and mechanisms. Mr. Shinichiro Mochizuki of Toshiba Digital Solutions Company, Mr. Kazuya Ishida of DATAFLUCT Platform Division, and Mr. Kazuki Harada, CTO, discuss the latest DX case studies on how to handle data and data infrastructure strategies to overcome the increasingly complex data utilization environment in the future. I will introduce it with reference to.

In addition, Mr. Masked Analyze, a low-conscious DX consultant, and Mr. Ryuji Noguchi, a human resource development committee member of the Japan Deep Learning Association, will give lectures.

2/10 program details

event timeSession content
13:10 – 14:00Learning from DX leading companies “ANA” and “JR East”
The key to realizing “in-house DX” that transforms the business of large companies
14:00 – 15:00DATAFLUCT’s decarbonization business that challenges consumer behavior change with data and business
15:00 – 16:00DATAFLUCT’s reliable technical and organizational strengths that support the promotion of DX
16:00 – 16:20
Optimal solutions for supply chain management in a sustainable era , using machine learning to identify optimal purchase amounts and production numbers
16:20 – 16:40
Comler , a no-code machine learning platform that realizes data-driven DX promotion
16:40 – 17:00
Future remote organization that maximizes productivity and well-being
17:00 – 18:00Sustainable and high-performance work style realized with DATAFLUCT

On February 10th, we will welcome leading DX companies ANA and JR East as guests, introduce their in-house DX initiatives, and explore hints for transforming companies into organizations that can think about strategies based on data.

Currently, there are many companies that are not making progress in AI and data utilization, but DX advanced companies are starting to work on “in-house production” of DX. In-house production has the advantage of being able to use data with a deep understanding of the company’s business and speedy movement.

In addition, we will introduce information on the various data utilization that DATAFLUCT has been working on so far, and talk about how it supports the realization of DX, focusing on technical and organizational capabilities. People working at DATAFLUCT will take the stage to talk about the autonomous decentralized organizational structure that we are doing, and talk about the diverse work styles and the culture and systems that support them.

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