Home Artificial Intelligence How will AI play an active role in the beauty field?

How will AI play an active role in the beauty field?

by Yasir Aslam
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This time, I would like to touch on the use of AI in the field of beauty .

“I want to lose weight” “I want to rejuvenate” There is no end to the desires and hopes related to beauty. Many people search for beauty methods on the Internet and watch makeup videos on YouTube and social media. However, there are a wide variety of makeup and care methods depending on the person, and what is actually right for me? I think I’ve been at a loss.

“I wish I knew the beauty method that suits me”

In order to meet the needs of such people, the use of AI is also progressing. This time, we will focus on the use of AI in the beauty field and talk about how AI will be used in beauty in the future.


3 things beauty AI can do

Is it difficult to choose cosmetics and skin care products that suit your skin? By utilizing AI, beauty can be made easier.

  • Know which product is best for you
  • You can try makeup and hairstyles you want to try
  • Know your face type and personal color

Below are three things that beauty AI can do.

Know which product is best for you

By analyzing product information with AI, you can know the best product for you.

There are a wide variety of cosmetics such as eye shadows, lipsticks, and foundations, and many people may not know which color suits them best. By analyzing colors and textures as data with AI, it picks up the ideal products for each individual.

It is perfect for those who find it difficult to ask BAs, or for those who want to refer to opinions based on data.

You can try makeup and hairstyles you want to try

Have you ever had the experience of not having the courage to go for a makeover, even if you wanted to take the plunge?

Anxiety and tension are attached to changing the usual makeup and hairstyle. AI is also active in such cases.

By using AR (Augmented Reality) to analyze your face captured by a camera, you can try makeup and hairstyles on the spot.

There are various contents such as half-type, trendy makeup, flashy hair color, etc. It may be perfect for meeting a new self.

Know your face type and personal color

In recent years, bone structure diagnosis, face type diagnosis, personal color diagnosis, etc. have become a hot topic. There are many people who want to try it because the diagnosis results will let them know the makeup and clothes that suit them. However, if you ask a professional to do it, there may be a difference in price or it may cost more than you imagined.

AI can be used for free and easy diagnosis.

You can diagnose your face in a few seconds by answering questions or holding your face up to the camera of your smartphone, so if you want to know your face type objectively, you should try it.

A beauty savior? 5 beauty services using AI

AI is also used in general health services such as your own AI personal trainer, diet management/analysis, and fitness. Here, we will introduce AI services that can be easily used on smartphones.

  • Your own exclusive beauty advisor “mira”
  •  Health habits “FiNC” with a personal AI trainer
  • Youth Finder, an app that analyzes the skin environment and suggests the best skin care
  • how old do you look RYNKL, an app that analyzes wrinkles
  •  “AI STYLIST” where AI chooses the best hairstyle

Your own exclusive beauty advisor “mira”

AI analyzes the person’s face type from the photograph of their face and provides easy-to-understand instructions on how to apply makeup that suits that person’s face. They will also tell you about the color cosmetics and fashion that suit you, and if you like it, you can actually purchase it at the “Mira shop”. It’s hard for me to find makeup and fashion that suit me, so it’s a savior for troubled women!

 Health habits “FiNC” with a personal AI trainer

FiNC is a popular health app that uses state-of-the-art AI to carefully select beauty and health menus that suit you. You can record your weight, number of steps, and sleep time all at once, and you can complete it with this one app. I introduced it as one of the health apps before, but FiNC, which supports self-management, can also be used for beauty habits. Let’s build your own beauty habits with a personal AI trainer!

Youth Finder, an app that analyzes the skin environment and suggests the best skin care

Just by taking a picture of your skin with your smartphone, AI analyzes the skin environment based on it and scores each item. There are 8 analysis points, and you can see at a glance which items you should improve because you can compare with the skin environment of the same age. You can also chat with beauty staff based on the measurement results, so you can find the best skin care for you.

how old do you look RYNKL, an app that analyzes wrinkles

Just take a photo of your face with your smartphone, and AI will analyze where and how many wrinkles are on that person’s face. You can also compare the amount of wrinkles you have with the average value of your age, so you can judge at a glance whether you have more or less wrinkles than the average.

“AI STYLIST” where AI chooses the best hairstyle

It is a service that AI analyzes your face photo and suggests a hairstyle that suits you.

Coloring, perming, and cutting cost a lot of money and effort, so don’t you ever worry about doing the same thing as usual? This service is perfect for those who want to be different from usual and want to know the hairstyle that suits them, as it proposes from a wide range of designs according to the bone structure. It looks like it’s also good to try your favorite hair catalog!

3 AI technologies in the beauty industry

Major cosmetic brands also offer their own AI services.

If you have a favorite brand but find it too expensive to buy, or if you want to talk to a BA but don’t know what to do, please use this as a reference.

  • Shiseido-DNA skin analysis
  • KATE – Facial Analysis
  • CANMAKE – Virtual Make

We will explain each below.

Shiseido-DNA skin analysis


Shiseido used AI to analyze the relationship between a large amount of DNA information and skin characteristics, and succeeded in clarifying many items such as the susceptibility to blemishes and the degree of aging of the skin.

By collecting and mailing your own saliva with a special kit, you can know what kind of skin you have. From there, it is now possible to get closer to the skin you want by taking care of it according to a personalized “beautiful skin plan”.

KATE – Facial Analysis

By projecting a face on a smartphone, AI captures the feature points that are the constituent elements of the face and analyzes the ratio of the face. You can classify your face type from 8 face types and know what kind of features you have.

In addition, it is perfect for those who want to improve their makeup because they will teach you how to apply makeup to get the face you want. Since all products are proposed by KATE, it can be said that it is cheap and easy to try.


CANMAKE – Virtual Make

Virtual makeup is a technology that allows you to experience makeup on the spot by projecting your face on your smartphone. AR technology is used.

This service allows you to try out Canmake products that are actually on sale, so you can easily experience the products that you are interested in.

When you try a tester at a store, it’s unsanitary to use lipstick or mascara that other people have used, so there are times when you can only check the color. If you use virtual makeup, you can even know if the color suits you, so you can reduce unnecessary shopping.


Not only apps, but how is AI active in beauty salons? !

So far, we have introduced beauty services that allow you to analyze yourself, such as skin diagnosis, wrinkle diagnosis, and makeup that suits you. If AI is used in the field of self-analysis of beauty, you may be wondering what about “AI utilization” in beauty salons.

At this point in time, the idea of ​​using AI to perform hairdresser technology has not yet been put to practical use. However, although it is not limited to beauty salons, there are actually services such as AI making reservations and employee training using AI. By streamlining office work in beauty salons, it is conceivable that the time each hairdresser can spend on haircuts will increase, and the entire beauty salon industry will evolve with AI. Also, in the future, new possibilities may be created in beauty salons, such as proposing new hairstyles, rather than directly taking away the work of hairdressers.

at the end

By using AI, it has become possible to know the beauty method that suits each individual. Some people may think that just analyzing photos taken with a smartphone is not accurate, but it is almost impossible to go to the salon every day to see it, so it is easy to know your condition. I am very grateful to be able to do this.

Considering the convenience and ease of using AI, I think AI will continue to play an important role in the beauty field. However, the delicate work done by humans is not an area that can be easily replaced by machines, so it may be the best way to understand the advantages of AI and humans, and incorporate both in a balanced manner.

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