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What are the security risks of CMS? Introducing a CMS that is strong in countermeasures and security

A CMS that facilitates site construction, operation, and data management . On the other hand, however, CMS also poses security risks . It is important to take security measures in advance in order to avoid being damaged by exploiting CMS vulnerabilities.

In this article, we will explain the security risks of CMS , possible damage, and countermeasures to prevent damage caused by vulnerabilities. We will also introduce CMS with strong security , so please take a look.

Table of contents

  1. Potential damage caused by CMS security risks
  2. Differences in security risks by CMS type
  3. What to do if a vulnerability is found in your CMS
  4. Security measures to prevent damage caused by CMS vulnerabilities
  5. Strong security CMS “ferret One”
  6. Strengthen the security of your CMS and operate it safely

Potential damage caused by CMS security risks

Possible damages caused by CMS security risks are as follows.

Leakage of personal information

If the security of your CMS is insufficient, a malicious third party may gain access to your system and steal your customer information.

If a customer’s personal information is leaked, not only will the company lose credibility , but it may also result in a large amount of compensation for damages , so it is important to take sufficient security measures.

Alteration of site content

Vulnerabilities in your CMS can allow an outside attacker to modify your site’s content . Points that may be tampered with are as follows.

  • content and articles
  • site design
  • Login information
  • personal information

If the content on the site is tampered with, incorrect information may be sent, causing damage not only to the company but also to the users .

In addition, ” malware ” , a malicious program that adversely affects the user’s device , may be installed on the site.

Suspension of site operation

If you receive an attack from the outside, you may find yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to stop the operation of the site.

For example, if malware is planted on your site , you may need to stop the site to prevent further damage to your users. Also, if the site is hijacked by an attacker, or access/login becomes impossible, it will be difficult to continue operating the site.

Suspension of site operation not only prevents the generation of sales via the site during that period, but also costs the cost of investigating the cause and the cost of measures to solve the problem , which can lead to major losses.

Money demanded by ransomware

If your CMS has vulnerabilities, it can be infected with ransomware.

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your data or system, making it unusable, and then demands money in return for the encrypted data And in many cases, even paying money doesn’t guarantee data recovery.

If you are infected with ransomware, you have to ask a professional company to remove it and restore the data, which is time-consuming and costly.

Differences in security risks by CMS type

There are three types of CMS below, and different security risks exist for each type.

  • open source type
  • Package type
  • Cloud type

open source type

An open source type is a CMS whose source code is open to the public and can be used free of charge . Typical examples include “ WordPress ” and “Drupal”.

Since the CMS source code is open to the public, it is attractive that you can freely customize it yourself. However, due to the fact that the source code is open to the public free of charge and can be modified by anyone, the security risks tend to be high.

Specifically, there are the following security risks:

item content
vulnerability issue Since the code is open to the public, malicious users may find and exploit vulnerabilities to attack.
Plugin issue There are malicious plug-ins and insufficient security measures in plug-ins for extending the functions of CMS . You may get infected with malware by using
Version control issues If you neglect to update to the latest version, vulnerabilities may be left unattended and you may be attacked.
Targetability issues Because there are many users using it, it is easy to be targeted


There are various security risks, and security measures are often not implemented at the time of introduction, so we have to take proper measures ourselves.

Package type

Package type is a CMS that can be used by purchasing a license for the CMS developed independently by the vendor and installing it on the company’s own server . For example, “Movable Type”, “NOREN”, etc.

In many cases, security measures are taken by the vendor side, so security risks tend to be lower than open source types.

However, you should be aware of the following security risks.

item content
Unauthorized access problem Unauthorized access to your server
login problem If the password is easily predictable, or if it is leaked to the outside due to human error, there is a risk of unauthorized access.
update issue If you neglect to update to the latest version, vulnerabilities may be left unattended and you may be attacked.

Cloud type

A cloud type is a CMS that is used via the Internet . For example, “ferret One”, “MovableType”, etc.

Security risks tend to be the lowest among the three types because the service operating company manages the system and takes security measures .

CMS data is managed on the cloud and can be operated in an environment where safety measures have been taken, so the possibility of personal information leakage is low. The possible security risks of cloud-based CMS are as follows.

item content
login problem If the password is easily predictable, or if it is leaked to the outside due to human error, there is a risk of unauthorized access.
support issues The level of security risk varies depending on the content of the measures and compensation system of the operating company. Vulnerability may be targeted for CMS where sufficient countermeasures are not taken


Although there are risks as described above, if you choose one that has sufficient security measures, the risks can be minimized.

What to do if a vulnerability is found in your CMS

If vulnerabilities are found in the CMS , it is necessary to take the following countermeasures.

Applying security patches

If you find a vulnerability in your CMS , apply security patches first. A security patch is a software defect or vulnerability fix is an update that fixes

By applying security patches, known vulnerabilities are fixed and damages such as unauthorized access and data leaks by attackers are minimized.

Check the information provided by the CMS provider frequently and apply any new patches.

Deploying security add-ons

If a vulnerability is found in the CMS , it is also effective to introduce a security add-on.

A security add-on is an additional function to detect CMS vulnerabilities and prevent unauthorized access . Typical security add-ons include:

  • firewall
  • Intrusion prevention system
  • Intrusion detection system

If you cannot deal with security patches alone, or if CMS vulnerabilities are found repeatedly, you may be able to cover the vulnerabilities by introducing security add-ons.

Conduct security checks

It is also important to perform regular checks on the security of your CMS . Security checks include:

  • Vulnerability scan : Diagnose vulnerabilities in CMS , servers, networks, etc.
  • Malware Scan : Detect Malicious Programs
  • Penetration test : Perform a simulated attack to check how resistant it is to external intrusion

By implementing these, potential vulnerabilities can be discovered and fixed.

Security measures to prevent damage caused by CMS vulnerabilities

To prevent damage from CMS vulnerabilities, take the following measures on a daily basis.

CMS updates

To prevent damage from external attacks, update your CMS frequently. Updates fix known vulnerabilities, preventing damage such as intrusion and data leakage by attackers.

Also, it is important to keep not only the CMS itself, but also plug-ins etc. up to date.

If you find it troublesome to update by yourself, you should consider using a cloud- type CMS that the provider will update .

Introduction of WAF and SSL

Introducing WAF and SSL is also an effective way to reduce security risks.

WAF makes it possible to detect and block unauthorized access and malicious requests. In addition, by introducing SSL and encrypting communication, it is possible to prevent eavesdropping and falsification of data by third parties.

If you want to introduce the above two into an open source CMS , you need to do the procedures yourself . If it’s a package type, ask the vendor. Regarding the cloud type, many products are equipped with measures such as always-on SSL and WAF as standard. are equipped with

Increased security awareness

In order to prevent damage caused by security problems, it is also important to raise the security awareness of CMS users and administrators. Specifically, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Password complexity and regular changes
  • Do not open or click suspicious emails or links
  • Conduct security checks

Raising the awareness of each user who uses the CMS and conducting regular education will lead to risk reduction.

Strong security CMS “ferret One”

ferret One is a cloud-based CMS that specializes in managing websites for BtoB companies .

It has all the functions necessary for web marketing , and is characterized by its ease of use that allows you to edit while viewing it like a PowerPoint . Furthermore, since security measures are thorough, you can concentrate on site management with peace of mind.

high security

Ferret One has various security measures as follows.

item content
Internal audit Strengthen security by conducting monthly security internal audits
patch management Regarding patches provided by vendors, promptly determine the necessity after release and respond
Vulnerability response Regularly conduct vulnerability diagnosis every week and fix it as soon as it is found
Installation of FW/WAF Install FW/WAF to prevent unauthorized access and attacks from outside
DoS attack countermeasures Prepare a mechanism to detect and block attacks in mass access
Service monitoring Perform server life monitoring, resource monitoring, and fatal system error monitoring
backup Perform database backup
IP access restrictions Restrict IPs that can access the management screen
Proprietary domain SSL support Free SSL support provided


We check security risks through regular internal audits, patch management, and vulnerability diagnosis, and quickly determine the necessity of corrective actions. And if you need to fix it, you can use it with confidence because we take measures and preventive measures.

Since there is no need to check or take countermeasures on the company side , it is possible to concentrate internal resources on site management as much as possible.

Enhanced functions necessary for BtoB marketing

Ferret One is not only strong in security, but also has a full range of functions necessary for BtoB marketing .

For example, it has functions for streamlining seminar measures and white paper measures, email distribution, customer management, HOT lead notification functions, etc., so it is recommended if you want to achieve results in lead acquisition .

We also provide services that support BtoB marketing strategy planning and execution .

Strengthen the security of your CMS and operate it safely

CMS security risks vary depending on the type of CMS .

In particular, open source types tend to have high security risks, and personal information leaks, site alterations, and malware damage may occur, so be sure to take appropriate countermeasures.

If you don’t want to take the trouble to take security measures yourself or want to use a low-risk CMS , we recommend a cloud-based CMS .



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