Home Security What is a security engineer? Is your work hard? Explains qualifications and future potential

What is a security engineer? Is your work hard? Explains qualifications and future potential

by Yasir Aslam
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Information security has become a particular focus in recent years. As a national qualification, attention is focused on training and securing security engineers who are involved in security-related work, such as “information processing security supporters”.
In this article, for those who want to become a security engineer, we will introduce in detail what kind of work a security engineer is, and also summarize useful information such as related qualifications and annual income, so please refer to it.

table of contents

  • 1. What is a security engineer? Easy-to-understand explanation
  • 2. Skills and aptitude required for security engineers
  • 3. Is the security engineer “stop”? Is your work hard?
  • 4. Future potential and rewarding of security engineers
  • 5. Recommended qualifications for those who want to become a security engineer
  • 6. Annual income of security engineer
  • 7. Security engineer recruitment
  • 8. Summary

1. What is a security engineer? Easy-to-understand explanation

The various benefits of the spread of the Internet have made our lives more convenient and enriched. On the other hand, news such as leakage of personal information has come to be heard, and information security accidents are listed as an important issue that threatens the survival of a company’s business.

Each company holds a lot of computers and various data, and they are regarded as things to be protected from the outside. There are various means depending on the matters to be observed, such as issuing an IC card so that only specific people can enter the office, wire locking of PCs, installation of antivirus software, and thorough security training.

A security engineer is an engineer who carries out a wide range of tasks related to information security .

1.1 Security Engineer Definition

A security engineer is an IT engineer whose main business is to design, operate, and manage a network that takes information security into consideration.

The following are examples of specific operations.

• Network configuration resistant to external attacks
• Installation of security equipment
• Prevention of computer virus infection
• Control of unauthorized access, etc.

Servers owned by companies are exposed to various threats such as computer viruses, spyware, unauthorized access, and personal information leakage due to internal crimes every day. It is the role of security engineers to devise and implement measures to eliminate vulnerabilities in order to protect computer systems from these threats.


■ Differences between security engineers and network engineers

The differences between security engineers and network engineers are as follows.

Occupation role
Security engineer Knowledge about external threats and system vulnerabilities is required, and network configurations and anti-virus measures based on these are required.
Network engineer Build and operate an optimal network environment by connecting computers and electronic devices used in the company

Security engineers are also required to have the same knowledge as network engineers. This is because not only anti-virus measures but also optimal network configurations are important for countermeasures against external threats.


■ Differences between security engineers and white hackers

The differences between security engineers and white hackers are as follows.

Occupation role
Security engineer Knowledge about external threats and system vulnerabilities is required, and network configurations and anti-virus measures based on these are required.
White hacker Protect national and corporate information from the threat of crackers who gain unauthorized access to or intrude into your computer. Antonym of “black hacker” who launches cyber attacks

Hackers who launch cyber attacks are called black hackers (black hat hackers) and crackers, while those who use their knowledge and skills for good purposes are called white hackers.

White hackers are sometimes referred to as “security engineers” or “security consultants” by some companies. In other words, it is the role of white hackers to protect national and corporate information from the threat of crackers that illegally access or invade computers. The role is relatively close to that of a security engineer.

In some cases, white hackers refer to “security-related consultant-oriented positions.”

1.2 Job description of security engineer

Security engineers have a very wide range of tasks. Here are some of them.


business Contents
Security consulting business Consulting services to maintain and manage the information security level of customers
Design and construction of security infrastructure Business that designs and builds security-conscious IT infrastructure using security devices such as firewalls and intrusion detection / prevention systems (IDS / IPS)
Operation, maintenance and monitoring of security infrastructure Business that monitors logs from operating IT infrastructure and security equipment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and responds immediately when unauthorized access is detected.
Security-conscious software design and implementation Business to improve the security level of software and maintain security
System vulnerability diagnosis Vulnerability diagnosis (test) business


■ Security consulting business

It is a consultant business that plans and proposes measures to prevent security-related troubles and respond promptly if an incident occurs.
We have a wide range of business scope, such as examining and proposing improvement measures from diagnosis and analysis of the IT environment, supporting the introduction of security products, and supporting measures for acquiring privacy marks.


■ Design and construction of security infrastructure

Business that designs and builds security-conscious IT infrastructure using security devices such as firewalls and intrusion detection / prevention systems (IDS / IPS). You are also required to have a background as an infrastructure engineer.

What is an infrastructure engineer? The actual work content, skills, career, qualifications, and future potential are all disclosed!


■ Operation, maintenance and monitoring of security infrastructure

It monitors logs from operating IT infrastructure and security equipment, and responds immediately when unauthorized access is detected. We may also create a report that summarizes log aggregation and response details as a report.


■ Security-conscious software design and implementation

It is a business to improve the security level of software and maintain security. Knowledge of secure programming is required.


■ System vulnerability diagnosis

It is a business to perform vulnerability diagnosis (test) for Web application diagnosis and platforms such as networks and OSs. The purpose is to discover potential vulnerabilities in the system and mitigate the damage by conducting pseudo-attacks.

2. Skills and aptitude required for security engineers

What is a security engineer?  Is your work hard?  Explanation of qualifications and future potential [Freelance engineer project information | Professional engineer]

2.1 Information security management

Security engineers need information security management skills. Information security management has the following procedures.


Management process decisions Three major elements of security, three layers of security policy, PDCA cycle, etc.
Establishment of management system Basic policy decision, risk assessment, etc.
Introduction and operation of management system Response planning, education, etc.
Monitoring and review of management system Review of effectiveness, internal audit, etc.
Maintenance and improvement of management system Implementation of improvement measures, etc.
Document creation Create documents such as basic policies, countermeasure standards, implementation procedures and regulations


Furthermore , the following skills are required as the “risk analysis” technology required for information security management .

• Determining risk assessment method
• Investigating and evaluating information assets
• Investigating threats and vulnerabilities
• Assessing risks
• Examining and organizing countermeasure systems

2.2 Unauthorized access method

Unauthorized access is the act of gaining access to a system that you do not originally have the authority to access, and then illegally invading the server or the inside of the system due to a security vulnerability.

For example, in the case that was discovered in August 2020, there was a problem that dozens of companies in Japan were illegally accessed by exploiting vulnerabilities in VPN devices, and the password for VPN connection was leaked.

There are various methods for such unauthorized access, and at the same time, it is important to acquire knowledge of countermeasures.

2.3 Secure programming techniques

In order to prevent unauthorized access by vulnerabilities, it is important to eliminate the vulnerabilities at the time of programming the system .

For example, if there is a system that registers the value entered in the form in the database, if a specific character string such as “1 == 1” is entered, the SQL statement for manipulating the data will be broken. It may happen. In order to prevent it in advance, it is necessary to program so that an error will occur if you try to enter the character string “1 == 1”.

Skills for secure programming are important to prevent such types of intentional malfunctions and other attacks.

3. Is the security engineer “stop”? Is your work hard?

What is a security engineer?  Is your work hard?  Explanation of qualifications and future potential [Freelance engineer project information | Professional engineer]

3.1 There are many cases of unauthorized access to companies, and “responsibility is serious”

In recent years, most of the unauthorized access that has occurred in Japan is targeted at companies.

According to the National Police Agency, the number of unauthorized access acts (recognition) in 2019 was 2960, of which 2855 (96.5%) were targeted at general businesses.

The main breakdown of acts performed by unauthorized access is as follows.

• Unauthorized remittance through Internet banking (61.1%)
• Unauthorized purchase through Internet shopping (12.7%)
• Unauthorized acquisition of information such as e-commerce (11.1%)
• Unauthorized operation of online games and community sites (2.0%)
• Internet auction tampering (1.6%)

Reference: Status of unauthorized access | Police Agency

The responsibility of security engineers to deal with these unauthorized accesses day and night is significant, and many people feel pressure. Unauthorized access techniques are becoming more sophisticated every day, which can put pressure on you to keep learning new things.

3.2 Heavy burden on urgent response

Furthermore, once a problem such as a cyber attack occurs, security engineers are required to respond promptly .

In addition to stopping further attacks, you must quickly identify the extent of the impact of the attack, consider countermeasures, and take further action.
In the case of an urgent problem, it may be that the work is kept in the field during these series of countermeasures.

Furthermore, even after the problem has been addressed, it is necessary to investigate the cause of the problem (such as the route of unauthorized access) and compile it in a report.

4. Future potential and rewarding of security engineers

What is a security engineer?  Is your work hard?  Explanation of qualifications and future potential [Freelance engineer project information | Professional engineer]

4.1 Information Security and CIA

Information security is a measure to protect corporate data (information assets) such as customer information and confidential information .

When taking information security, it is necessary to consider the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets, and they are called CIA by their acronyms.


element Contents Threat example
Only authorized people can see information assets Leakage of personal information
The content of information assets is accurate (latest) Falsification of information
Information assets are always available to users Service outage, obstruction


In other words, security engineers are required to consider and carry out their business with regard to corporate information assets so that the following three are always maintained.

• Information assets must not be leaked … Confidentiality
• Content cannot be tampered with … Integrity
• Always available … Availability

In this way, the work of security engineers is highly public and social, and their responsibilities are also important . But that’s why it’s a rewarding job.


■ Information Security 10 Major Threats 2021

Now that the Internet has become widespread and has become a living infrastructure, there are many dangers behind its convenience.

According to the ” 10 Major Threats to Information Security 2021 ” announced by the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) , “attacks aimed at new normal working styles such as telework” are ranked as threats in the information secu

Source: Information Security 10 Major Threats 2021 | IPA

Even from the results that attacks targeting new normal working styles such as “telework” are regarded as “threats” in the rankings that list specific threats, the threats that companies are exposed to are always You can see that it is changing and becoming more sophisticated.
In addition, it can be said that the role of cyber security personnel who can respond to increasingly sophisticated cyber attack methods continues to grow.

As a security expert, the demand for security engineers is expected to continue to grow.

4.2 Lack of information security personnel

According to the document “Current Situation of Cyber ​​Security Human Resources in Japan” released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2018, it is said that there was a shortage of 132,060 information security human resources in Japan as of 2016. In addition, the shortage is projected to reach 193,010 in 2020.

It is often thought that information security personnel are needed only by IT companies, but in reality, companies on the user side of IT systems also need information security personnel. The reason for this is the lack of resources, such as the inability to allocate manpower because the main business is busy. However, as its importance becomes more widespread in the future, it is expected that the employment of human resources specializing in it will increase.

Source: Current status of cyber security human resources in Japan | Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

5. Recommended qualifications for those who want to become a security engineer

What is a security engineer?  Is your work hard?  Explanation of qualifications and future potential [Freelance engineer project information | Professional engineer]

Since threats and technologies in the information security field are changing rapidly, it is essential to study to improve your skills in order to become a security engineer. In order to study systematically from the basics, why not take qualification acquisition into consideration?

If your qualification has an expiration date, you can think of it as an opportunity to keep studying the latest technology.

5.1 Information processing security supporter

In the Information-Technology Engineers Examination sponsored by IPA, he is the only national qualification in the advanced classification level 4 of the security field, and is an information processing security supporter . Based on the former Information Security Specialist Examination, it started in the spring of 2017. After passing the exam, it is a name-exclusive qualification that allows you to use the name “Information Processing Security Supporter” by registering .

Please refer to this article for details on the Information Processing Security Supporter Examination.

The first IT professional! ?? Information processing security supporter examination registration system outline and difficulty level

5.2 Information Security Management Examination

The pass rate of information processing security supporters is about 11%, and the difficulty level is high.
Therefore, if you are aiming to become a security engineer for the first time, it is recommended that you take the Information Security Management Exam, which is also sponsored by IPA.

The Information Security Management Exam is Level 2, which is the same level as the Basic Information Technology Engineer Exam, which is also known as a programmer or SE qualification, and the pass rate is relatively high.

The details of the Information Security Management Exam are introduced in this article, so please take a look.

How difficult is the Information Security Management Exam? Introducing qualification evaluation and examination fees

5.3 CCNA / CCNP (Security)

The CCNA / CCNP Security track, which is a Cisco technician qualification and is often cited as an infrastructure engineer qualification, has a three-year qualification expiration date.

It is necessary to take the CCENT (or CCNA Routing & Switching) → CCNA (Security) → CCNP (Security) from the lower qualification, but it is a proof of technology specialized in the network security field, so for those who aim to be a security engineer It can be said that it is recommended.

For more information on CCNA and CCNP, please see this article.

What kind of qualification is CCNA? We have summarized from the difficulty level to the examination fee you care about

What kind of qualification is CCNP? Difficulty level, study method and reference book for new exam

6. Annual income of security engineer

What is a security engineer?  Is your work hard?  Explanation of qualifications and future potential [Freelance engineer project information | Professional engineer]

According to Average Annual Income.jp, the average annual income of security engineers is as follows (as of August 2021).

Average annual income: 6 million yen

Source: Learn more about the annual salary and salary of security engineers! | Average annual income.jp

In addition, looking at the annual income of freelance security engineers from the job information of this site ” Professional Engineer “, as of February 2022, the number of jobs per month is about 1 million.

Source: February 2021 survey * Calculated from some of the projects owned by professional engineers | Professional engineers

In addition to security technologies such as encryption and authentication, IT-related laws such as the Personal Information Protection Law, system development flow, knowledge of infrastructure, etc., the skills of human resources required for security engineers are extremely wide.

Therefore, as a security engineer, you can build your strengths by specializing in what you are good at, and the higher the market value, the easier it will be to increase your annual income.

Since security engineers are considered to be engineers in relatively new fields, the range of annual income may fluctuate depending on future supply and demand.

7. Security engineer recruitment

What is a security engineer?  Is your work hard?  Explanation of qualifications and future potential [Freelance engineer project information | Professional engineer]

What are some security engineer jobs available?

Generally, recruitment is done in the job category of ” security engineer ” or ” security consultant “.
In addition, even if you are looking for other occupations such as system engineers, if you look at the business content, you may be looking for human resources (security engineers) who specialize in security.

When searching for a job, search not only for the word “security engineer” but also for a wide range of keywords such as “infrastructure engineer”, “network engineer”, “server engineer”, “system engineer”, “IT consultant”, etc. We recommend that you apply through .

▶ Click here for the latest job information for security engineers

8. Summary

The potential for a significant security incident can happen to anyone.
It can be said that the first step in information security is to take it as ourselves tomorrow and keep in mind each and every one of us regarding information security on a daily basis.
I hope this column will give you an opportunity to think again about the importance of the job category of security engineer.

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