Home IoT What is IoT?

What is IoT?

by Yasir Aslam
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IoT stands for “Internet of things”. Smart speakers, smart homes, self-driving cars, and other cutting-edge technologies are rapidly being put to practical use in recent years. In the promotion of DX (Digital Transformation) , which is currently attracting attention, it is one of the important factors along with AI and big data.

However, even if you know the word “IoT”, there are surprisingly few people who have a correct understanding of its meaning and mechanism. Therefore, in this article, we will explain in an easy-to-understand manner the key to promoting DX, “What is IoT?”


What is IoT? Revise the meaning of words

First, let’s review the meaning of IoT

What can we do with IoT? Before learning about the possibilities that IoT will bring in the future, let’s first understand the meaning of the word IoT correctly.

Meaning of IoT

IoT is an abbreviation for “Internet of Things”, which translates to “Internet of things” in Japanese.

Until about 20 years ago, people connected to the Internet from personal computers at home or at work, but with the rapid development of digital technology and communication technology, it is now possible to connect to the Internet from mobile devices such as mobile phones (smartphones) and tablets. became.

As the digitalization of society progresses, the Internet of Things (IoT), a technology that connects “things” such as home appliances and automobiles to the Internet, is attracting attention.

Even before the word IoT spread, there was a method of connecting things called ” M2M (Machine to Machine) “. To briefly explain the difference between the two, M2M does not connect to the Internet, only machines exchange information with each other through a sensor network. On the other hand, in IoT, things have communication functions, so information can be sent and received via the Internet.

The use of IoT makes it possible to measure and control objects from remote locations and to communicate between objects, so it is expected to be used in various fields and areas.

How IoT works

Currently, IoT technology is starting to be used in various things such as home appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators, automobiles, buses, and factory equipment and facilities.

Objects targeted by IoT are equipped with sensors, cameras, and wireless communication to detect the state and movement of objects and acquire data . The basic mechanism of IoT is to transmit the obtained information to people and things via the Internet. Let’s take a look at specific examples of IoT applications.

Zojirushi Mahobin Co., Ltd., which is famous for thermos bottles and electric kettles, is one of the companies that has succeeded in creating new product value by utilizing IoT.

We will explain the example of “Mimamori Hot Line” by Zojirushi Mahobin Co., Ltd., which transmits usage status by installing a wireless communication device in an electric pot.

IoT use cases

Inform family members who live far away about the usage status of electric pots and confirm their safety

The original value of electric pots lies in their convenience, such as “the ability to quickly boil water”, “the ability to maintain the water temperature”, and the “ability to provide hot water at any time”. However, by installing a wireless communication device, it has become possible to provide consumers with new value, such as being able to confirm the safety of family members living far away .

In the conventional electric pot market, there is no choice but to compete on the functionality and price of the product itself, and because the main function of the electric pot is to simply “make hot water”, there is a problem that the replacement cycle is long. did.

However, with the introduction of IoT technology, adding the added value of a safety confirmation service to the electric pot as a “thing” has made it possible to approach consumers from an unprecedented perspective . Considering that the aging society will continue to accelerate in the future, it can be said that this is an IoT utilization example that anticipates changes in consumer demand.

Like this “Mimamori Hot Line”, the change in product value from “selling things” to “selling things” using IoT technology is progressing in each market .

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ 2019 White Paper on Information and Communications predicts that about 45 billion IoT devices will be connected to the Internet in the 2020s . It is said that the trend toward IoT will continue to expand in the future, and that a society will come in which all kinds of things will be connected to the Internet .

◆What is IoT?

  • In Japanese, it translates to “Internet of Things”
  • Technology that enables remote measurement and control of objects and communication between objects by connecting “things” to the Internet.
  • Added value from a different perspective can be added to existing products
  • Approximately 45 billion IoT devices are expected to be connected to the Internet in the 2020s

Four functions that can be realized by utilizing IoT

The functions that can be achieved by utilizing IoT can be broadly classified into four categories: “manipulating things,” “knowing the state of things,” “detecting the movement of things,” and “communicating between things .”

◆ Four functions of IoT

① Manipulate things (ex. turn on the air conditioner at home from outside)

(2) Knowing the state of things (ex. Knowing the remaining battery level of electronic devices from a remote location)

(3) Detect the movement of objects (ex. Grasping the real-time operation status of buses)

④ Communicate between things (ex. brighten the lights when someone enters the room)

What they all have in common is the ability to remotely monitor, operate, and control objects in remote locations . There are cases where not only one function but also multiple functions are used at the same time.

IoT function ① Manipulating things

The function of “remotely controlling things” is synonymous with IoT

A typical example of IoT utilization is the ability to remotely control things in remote locations .

For example, you can operate home appliances such as air conditioners and lighting, or open and close doors and shutters at home through devices such as smartphones from outside. In addition, the IoT-enabled pet food server can remotely check the pet’s condition with a smartphone and automatically feed the appropriate amount of food.

The point is that you can adjust not only simple actions such as turning the power on and off, but also detailed settings such as the temperature and air volume of the air conditioner. The ability to “manipulate things” is often used to make life more convenient .

◆ Examples of how to use the “manipulate objects” function

・Adjust the room temperature by turning on the air conditioner at home while you are at home.

・You can feed your dog from the food server and check its safety while you are away at home.

IoT function (2) Knowing the state of things

Awareness can be obtained by “knowing the state of things” in remote locations

The ability to know the state of things and people in remote locations is also one of the essential elements when talking about IoT.

For example, the status of lighting can be checked on the go, preventing forgetting to turn it off and reducing electricity costs. In addition, the temperature of the air conditioner can be controlled from a remote location to keep the indoor environment in an optimal state, and the IoT of the pet’s collar can be used to acquire data on the amount of exercise and food intake, so that the health status of the pet can be monitored remotely. You can check it from the ground. You can quickly notice any abnormalities in your pet’s physical condition, which will lead to the prevention of major illnesses, such as prompt consultation with a veterinarian.

The point is that by acquiring information from the sensors installed in things and sending and receiving data via the Internet, it is possible to grasp the state of things and people and “obtain awareness” . The “know the state of things” function is often used to obtain important information that leads to action in real time .

In addition, since it is possible to directly obtain user information such as usage frequency and usage time, it will create great value in the business field . Since it is possible to grasp user needs without conducting marketing research or questionnaires, the data is directly linked to product improvement and development.

◆Utilization example of the “Know the state of things” function

  • Alerts occur when the remaining battery level or usage of electronic devices exceeds a certain threshold
  • Issue an alert when an abnormality is confirmed in the patient’s heart rate, respiration, pulse, or blood pressure values
  • Manufacturers can utilize the accumulated data in the marketing field

IoT function ③ Detect movement of things

A function that does not miss important changes by “detecting the movement of objects”

IoT also has a function that allows you to know the current situation from the movement of things and people .

By combining IoT with sensing technology that detects the movement of things and people, autonomous driving technology will dramatically improve , and it is expected to reduce occupational accidents at construction sites.

In the field of agriculture, IoT can be used to detect movements that affect the cultivation environment, such as temperature, humidity, and water level, and automatically adjust the environment to the optimum level. Passengers waiting at the bus stop can be grasped in real time.

Since it is possible to know in real time the situation of the surrounding environment of things, the trend of measured values, the movements and lives of people, etc., it is possible to instantly grasp abnormalities and respond appropriately and quickly. The point is that you can guess the current situation and act quickly without overlooking important changes in the movement of things and people .

◆Utilization example of “detect movement of objects” function

  • You can grasp the operation status and congestion status of trains and buses
  • I prepared warm underwear because my grandfather in the nursing home used the heater frequently.
  • Heavy machinery and construction machinery automatically stop when they detect a person at a construction site

IoT function ④ Communicate between objects

A function to coordinate between things without intervening human judgment by “communicating between things”

The fourth is a function that automatically operates multiple electronic devices by sending and receiving data between things connected to the Internet .

Smart homes and smart buildings are typical examples of functions that combine the three functions introduced so far . By linking with an AI speaker, you can put hot water in the bath, turn on the air conditioner and lights, and open and close the curtains just by verbal instructions. It is also expected to be used in offices to reduce wasteful energy consumption through automatic control and to manage entry and exit.

Self- driving cars are particularly attracting attention due to the use of functions for communicating between things . Efforts are underway to reduce traffic congestion by automatically slowing down the speed of cars by receiving data from traffic lights, and adjusting waiting times by detecting traffic congestion in real time on the traffic light side. It is

Technology that connects multiple functions like this is expected to develop dramatically with the practical application of the next-generation communication technology “5G” scheduled for 2020.

It is a technology that has high expectations especially from the viewpoint of “automation” because it communicates with each other without human judgment and automatically judges and operates .

◆Utilization example of “Communicate between things” function

・It judges that the signal in front of it is red by communication from the traffic light, and automatically stops the car.

・Things such as smart homes and smart buildings collaborate and optimize

Introducing examples of IoT utilization by field

Introducing how IoT is currently being used by field

So far, we have explained the functions that can be realized with IoT, but how are they actually used in society? We will explain examples of IoT utilization in each field.

▪️Use cases of IoT

Use cases of IoT by field
medical care By sharing biometric data with doctors in real time, it is possible to monitor the patient’s health status from a remote location. Contributing to home medical care support and resolving the shortage of doctors.
logistics Efficiency of warehouse operations such as picking work by automatic transport robots. A logistics revolution (Logistics 4.0) is taking place, represented by traceability using RFID and delivery using drones and unmanned vehicles.
manufacturing industry Optimizing cost-effectiveness by converting the production line to IoT. Visualize the status of equipment and prevent damage due to failure.
Agriculture Sensors detect the amount of sunlight and the condition of the soil, and determine the optimum timing and amount of watering and fertilizer. You can control the temperature and air conditioning inside the house from a remote location.
traffic Real-time information on expressway congestion and train delays enables users to select the optimal route for travel.

In addition, let’s delve into the use cases of IoT in each field.

IoT in medicine

Currently, IoT in the medical field is attracting attention for the use of wearable devices .

By wearing a wearable device, the patient’s biological data (pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) is measured and converted into data. By sharing that data with doctors in real time, it will be possible to monitor the patient’s condition from a remote location, and if an abnormality is detected, it will be possible to quickly diagnose and treat it . In addition to being useful for risk management after illness and daily health management, it also contributes significantly to supporting home medical care and solving the problem of a shortage of doctors in rural areas .

Further development is expected from the viewpoint of improving the working environment for doctors, which has been viewed as a problem in recent years .

Below is an example of a combination of telemedicine concepts and objects.

Examples of IoT utilization in the medical field

Paramount Bed Co., Ltd., a well-known manufacturer of medical beds, has developed a smart bed system with the aim of creating an environment that provides patient-friendly care. Medical beds equipped with ICT devices can monitor the patient’s condition in real time by linking various devices that measure the patient’s condition (sleep, wakefulness, respiratory rate, heart rate, etc.) with the medical information system. I can figure it out. The reminder function that can be checked on a mobile device is connected to data sharing among related parties, nursing work without omissions and omissions, and early detection and prevention of future diseases.

Since IoT utilization in the medical field has great potential compared to other industries, it is sometimes called IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) and distinguished.

IoT in logistics

In the logistics industry, DX using the latest technologies such as IoT is called “Logistics 4.0” .

Currently, due to the expansion of the EC site market represented by Amazon’s breakthrough, the logistics industry is under pressure to deliver a wide variety of products in small quantities and at high frequency. .

Examples of IoT utilization in the logistics industry can be classified into two processes: warehouse work processes from receipt to shipment and delivery work processes.

A typical example of IoT utilization in warehouse work is the introduction of a system that applies robotics in sorting, stocking/inventory, and picking work . For example, Amazon’s warehouse has a system that automatically moves shelves to the position of the worker in charge according to the order via the Internet, eliminating the need for humans to walk around the large warehouse. This system makes it possible to handle a large number of orders efficiently and supports Amazon’s strength of quickly delivering products to customers.

On the other hand, in the delivery work, IoT is used in the TMS (transportation and delivery management system), which is useful for visualization of the delivery site, such as the optimal placement of personnel and the efficiency of vehicle allocation routes. In the future, expectations are rising for the early realization of air transportation using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) such as drones, and self-driving trucks.

Examples of IoT utilization in the logistics field

EC (NEC Corporation) has begun to provide a mechanism for displaying information such as the arrival and departure of deliveries on a wristwatch-type device connected to a smartphone by attaching RFID to returnable containers. Ascertaining the transportation and delivery status leads to real-time instructions to the production line and inventory management, which increases the efficiency of the entire supply chain.

IoT in manufacturing

As the concept of the national project “Industry 4.0” (the fourth industrial revolution) promoted by the German government has attracted attention, the Japanese manufacturing industry has begun to introduce automation using IoT.

A feature of IoT utilization examples in the manufacturing industry is that they are linked with robotics, AI, and M2M. We are looking to the realization of a smart factory (a factory that thinks) as a way to measure the labor saving and efficiency of the production line .

In a smart factory, all machinery and management systems in the factory connect to the Internet and collect data. By quantifying where and how long workers worked, it is possible to analyze each process, which is expected to improve factory productivity and facility utilization rates .

In addition to monitoring the status of equipment using sensors and radar, abnormalities can also be detected from changes in vibration and temperature. Since alerts are issued before failures occur, quick maintenance and repairs are possible, minimizing damage caused by equipment failures .

Examples of IoT utilization in the manufacturing industry

In order to build a production system that responds to diversifying customer needs, Hitachi, Ltd. has developed four systems: a “work improvement support system,” a “factory simulator,” an “RFID production monitoring system,” and a “modular design system.” Promote the establishment of a highly efficient production model that circulates information on people, goods, and equipment obtained from By grasping the progress of the production plan, we have realized a cycle of making appropriate countermeasures and improvements and formulating more accurate production plans. As a result, we succeeded in shortening the production lead time of our main products by 50%, and achieved cost reductions of 20% in the design process, 20% in procurement, and 10% in manufacturing. 

IoT in agriculture

Currently, attention is being focused on next-generation agriculture “smart agriculture” (smart agriculture) , which utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as robot technology and information and communication technology (ICT) to achieve super-simplification and high-quality production . , IoT is also utilized as one of the major technologies.

For example, in the case of greenhouse cultivation, the optimum timing and amount of watering and fertilizer application can be calculated and automated based on the amount of sunlight detected by the sensor and the condition of the soil . In addition, it is possible to control the temperature and air conditioning inside the house from a remote location. It becomes easier to maintain an ideal environment, and high productivity can be achieved while reducing human labor .

The introduction of IoT is also expected to be a solution to the problem facing Japanese agriculture, which is the growing shortage of successors. Conventional agriculture has been supported by farmers’ experience and intuition as well as daily labor, but the introduction of IoT will bring about a major change in the working environment surrounding agriculture .

Examples of IoT utilization in agriculture

Kubota Corporation, known as one of Japan’s leading agricultural machinery manufacturers, promotes smart agriculture with an approach that combines unique data utilization and automation. We are working on the development of automatic driving and unmanned agricultural machinery, such as realizing the commercialization of agricultural machinery equipped with GPS for three models of tractors, rice transplanters, and combine harvesters in 2018. We also provide a system that supports efficient production by integrating ICT with the above three models and “visualizing” agricultural management in a cloud environment. We plan to collect big data such as harvest, growth, and weather information from terminals such as personal computers and smartphones linked with compatible agricultural machines, and use it for variable fertilizer and chemical application, growth prediction, and pest prediction.

IoT in transportation

The introduction of IoT has brought about major changes in public transportation such as buses and trains, as well as in the taxi industry.

For example, by reading a QR code at a bus stop, you can check the status of the bus in real time, or use a taxi dispatch app to easily call a taxi to your location. In addition, users will be able to know in real time the status of congestion on expressways and train delays, enabling users to select the optimal route and travel .

Examples of IoT utilization in transportation

Hitachi, Ltd. provides a “traffic data utilization service” that analyzes and visualizes traffic demand based on traffic-related data owned by road and transportation business operators. We are working to optimize traffic congestion measures and operation plans, improve services for users and passengers, and support the improvement and efficiency of road and transportation business operators.

Two Communication Technologies for the Future of IoT

Introducing two communication technologies that are greatly involved in IoT

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ 2019 White Paper on Information and Communications , it is predicted that approximately 45 billion IoT devices will be connected to the Internet in the 2020s, doubling the current data traffic volume .

Next-generation communication technologies called “5G” and “LPWA” are currently attracting attention in order to respond to future increases in communication traffic and diversifying communication needs .

Communication technology (1) 5G

5G is a communication technology that achieves “high speed and large capacity”, “multiple simultaneous connections” and “low latency” .

With existing communication methods such as 4G and LTE, it is not possible to simultaneously connect all kinds of things to the Internet and perform smooth data processing without delays. It is said that the start of 5G will boost the spread of IoT, and the utilization of vast amounts of data will dramatically change the nature of many industries and occupations .

★Three features of 5G (
1) High-speed, large-capacity
communication speed up to 20 Gbps.
・A speed that can download a 2-hour movie in 15 seconds, about 20 times faster than the current 4G. ②Multiple simultaneous connections・The number of connected devices is 1 million units/km2.
・About 10,000 terminals, which is about 10 times that of 4G, can be connected to the Internet at the same time. ( 3) Low latency・Delay is about 1 millisecond, which is about 1/10 of LTE. ・It is possible to operate and control remote objects in real time without worrying about time lag.

Communication technology (2) LPWA

LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) is a communication technology characterized by “power saving”, “wide range” and “low cost” . Although the communication speed is slow, it is expected to be a communication technology that is compatible with IoT.

★Three features of LPWA (
1) Power saving
・It is power saving enough to operate for several years to several decades with ordinary batteries. ( 2
) It has a wide area that enables communication over a wide area, several kilometers to several tens of kilometers.
( 3) Low cost
5G is a new communication standard to replace 4G, and is scheduled to be put into practical use and commercialized in Japan from 2020 . After the introduction of 5G, it is expected that technologies utilizing IoT will spread rapidly.

Relationship between IoT and AI

Expectations are rising for synergistic effects created by AI and IoT

Expectations are rising for synergistic effects created by AI and IoT

AI (artificial intelligence) is indispensable when talking about IoT. Both are expected to play an important role in the realization of DX, but there is a close relationship between them.

When 5G starts to be put into practical use and IoT in society begins to progress rapidly, it is believed that the time will come when all kinds of things will be connected to the Internet. The wave of IoT has reached fields where data aggregation has not been done before. In other words, as IoT progresses, big data of a scale that cannot be compared with the past will be collected .

Big data collected by IoT devices is analyzed by AI (artificial intelligence), and a new AI model is born based on that data . If the new AI model is installed in the IoT device, it will have more functionality than before, and we will continue to collect more data.
In this way, IoT and AI are expected to create a synergistic effect while building a close relationship.

★Synergistic effects created by IoT and AI
1. With the acceleration of IoT, various IoT devices will spread and collect information

2. AI will analyze the big data collected by IoT devices, and new AI models will be created based on the results. is born

③ IoT devices equipped with new AI models will spread and information gathering will continue

Introducing examples of IoT utilization in Japan and overseas

In recent years, the use of IoT is expected to promote DX, which is an issue for many companies.
Here, we will introduce examples from Japan and overseas that have brought about business transformation through the introduction of IoT.

Providing a new user experience with IoT solutions linked to electric blinds

” Bliss Smart Blinds ” developed by Hunter Douglas is an IoT solution that allows you to manage and control blinds from a smartphone app via Bluetooth connection.

It is revolutionizing the lives of users, such as managing multiple blinds in groups and setting timers to open and close the blinds and adjust the brightness by specifying the day of the week and time.

IoT application that can automate the opening and closing of the entrance door with the voice recognition function of the smartphone

The electric front door opener system ” DOAC ” developed by LIXIL is a new barrier-free product that can be retrofitted to front doors of various manufacturers and can be easily used by anyone.

The app linked to the product was released as the world’s first voice-operated automatic door opening/closing system.

Summary: A world enriched by the introduction of IoT

The introduction of IoT enriches our lives

With the rapid spread of IoT (Internet of Things), it has become possible to realize things that were said to be a dream only a few years ago, and to solve problems that had been given up.

In addition, IoT has created new product value, and IoT devices that are familiar to our lives are still bustling with the market. There are still many issues to be solved, but there is no doubt that IoT is a technology that enriches society as a whole.

Now that the promotion of DX is attracting attention, each company is required to transform by utilizing digital technology such as IoT. First, refer to the basic functions and examples of IoT introduced in this article, and consider introducing the technology while comparing it with your company’s issues.


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