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Is YouTube Effective for B2B Marketing? Explanation of recommended usage methods and examples

Benefits of using YouTube for B2B

Benefits of using YouTube for B2B

YouTube marketing is often thought to be suitable for B2C, but there are benefits to introducing it in B2B. Let’s take a look at these four benefits:

  1. Can be seen by potential users
  2. Product value can be appealed in an easy-to-understand manner
  3. Increased reliability of products and services
  4. Easy to use secondary

Can be seen by potential users

As of October 2022, the number of YouTube monthly users in Japan has exceeded 77 million, and the number of people watching YouTube on TV has exceeded 35 million.

As the number of users increases, the number that can be reached increases, so there is a good chance that YouTube videos will reach not only general consumers but also corporate personnel who are collecting information . If you include the URL of the detailed page of your product or service, contact information, etc. in the overview column of YouTube, it may lead to inquiries from prospective customers.

Furthermore, in recent years, the number of cases where YouTube and other videos are displayed in the search results of search engines such as Google has increased, making it possible to approach from both YouTube and search engines.

Product value can be appealed in an easy-to-understand manner

Video is a medium that can provide information in a short time and in an easy-to-understand manner that cannot be conveyed by photos or text information.

In 1971, American psychologist Albert Mehrabian proposed the Mehrabian Law, which states that humans are influenced by 7% of verbal information, 38% of auditory information, and 55% of visual information during communication. shown. It is said that photos contain 7 times more information than text, and videos 5,000 times more than text. Therefore, by using video, it is possible to convey a large amount of information in a short time.

Customers will also benefit from the ease of use and the fact that it is easier for customers to imagine actual usage scenes.

Increased reliability of products and services

Videos require more processing than photos, so depending on the degree of processing, you can show off your content as it is.

In particular, in the manufacturing industry, it is important to show videos of actual processes such as production processes and quality control systems at factories in order to gain peace of mind and trust .

“Movement” cannot be conveyed only by pictures or verbal communication. Also, it’s possible to cut out some pretty parts and make them look better than they actually are, which lowers your credibility. On the other hand, video can convey the actual state as “movement” as it is, so it will lead to an improvement in reliability.

Easy to use secondary

Videos can be used not only for uploading to YouTube, but also for exhibitions, business negotiations, SNS, video advertisements , etc.

The advantage is that once you create a video, you can deliver your company’s information to users in various scenes and media.

6 ways to use YouTube for B2B companies

6 ways to use YouTube for B2B companies

Next, we will explain 6 ways for B2B companies to utilize YouTube.

  1. For introducing companies and products during business negotiations
  2. For stimulating interest at exhibitions
  3. For publishing webinar archives
  4. customer success
  5. recruitment site
  6. video ads

1. For introducing companies and products during business negotiations

Using videos that introduce company information and products during business negotiations with prospective customers will help promote understanding of your company.

For example, if you introduce a business introduction video, how to use your company’s products and services, and introduction case studies during business negotiations, you can increase interest in your company.

Oral explanations may differ depending on the sales representative. Using videos will eliminate blurring in the explanation content, and you can expect an increase in the closing rate.

2. For generating interest at exhibitions

Videos are also very useful when introducing your company’s products and services at exhibitions. Not only can it be used to explain the service, but if catchy words and impactful videos are played on the monitor, the chances of visitors being interested and visiting the booth will increase.

Impactful videos can attract people in a short time, so they will work effectively at exhibitions that need to appeal to an unspecified number of people .

3. For publishing webinar archives

By uploading the archived video of the webinar to YouTube, people who could not attend in real time can watch the video. YouTube allows limited viewing, so it is also possible to tell the URL only to the applicant and encourage them to watch it.

Users will be able to watch archived videos anytime, anywhere, reducing opportunity losses such as “I’m interested in a seminar but the date and time are not available” and connecting with your company .

4. Customer Success

Videos can also be used for customer success purposes, such as providing value by explaining how to use products to customers who are already using your company’s services. If you create a system where simple questions such as how to operate can be solved by watching YouTube videos, customers will save the trouble of making inquiries and it will lead to improved customer satisfaction .

In addition, videos are useful for providing operational support for business systems such as accounting/labor systems and MA tools, as well as providing specialized knowledge such as law and technology.

5. Recruitment site

If you distribute company explanations, manager/employee interviews, and how you work in the company on YouTube, you can easily convey the appeal of the company.

In particular, there may be some companies that have few opportunities for general consumers to know about B2B. Even in such a case, getting to know on YouTube will improve awareness and lead to recruitment activities.

6. Video Ads

YouTube video ads can be delivered with narrowed targets. Therefore, advertisements can be delivered to users who are likely to be interested in your company’s services .

In addition, depending on the type of advertisement, you will be charged when you view it for a certain amount of time, so you can operate advertisements while considering cost-effectiveness. You can also measure the click rate, conversion rate, complete viewing rate, etc. of the ad, so you can operate effective advertising according to your budget.

YouTube marketing use cases for B2B companies

Next, let’s take a look at some B2B corporate accounts that are leveraging YouTube marketing. If you are thinking of opening a YouTube channel, please refer to it.

freee Inc.

freee Co., Ltd. is a company that provides cloud accounting software and payroll software, and on its YouTube channel, it provides information on how to use accounting software and knowledge of accounting.

Playlists are organized by information, allowing users to quickly access the information they need . Many archives of seminars and videos of introduction cases are also uploaded, so users can learn specialized information from YouTube videos.

Cybozu, Inc.

Cybozu Office Channel is the official channel of groupware “Cybozu Office” provided by Cybozu, Inc.

There are plenty of videos explaining how to use Cybozu Office.

Features introduction videos and usage guides are also compiled, which is useful not only for companies that have already introduced the product, but also for prospective customers .

It is a channel with a clear target and purpose, and a unified view of the world.

Sansan Co., Ltd.

Sansan is an IT company that develops sales DX services such as cloud business card management software and invoice management services. The YouTube channel mainly uploads TV commercials and interview videos with companies that have introduced it.

There are plenty of introduction examples, and companies in a wide range of industries such as government agencies, manufacturers, and real estate developers are introduced. For those who are considering introducing the product, it will be a great advantage to know a lot of specific use cases and achievements .

Keys to successful YouTube marketing in B2B

Keys to successful YouTube marketing in B2B

Finally, here are 4 points for successful YouTube marketing in B2B business. If you just imitate a successful case, you may not be able to make full use of your company’s strengths, or it may not meet user needs, and may not be regenerated.

Please understand the points unique to YouTube videos and use them for your own YouTube marketing.

Clarify your targeting

Make it clear what kind of company (person in charge) you want to see the YouTube video, what kind of needs it should meet, and what your goal is, then create the video.

For example, if you want potential customers to know about your product and increase the number of inquiries, you need to post more product introduction videos than employee interviews and internal situations. If you want to improve the customer experience of companies that have already introduced your product, you can make a video of how to use the product conveniently or FAQ.

In addition, it is important to devise ways to make it easier for viewers to find information and interest them, such as setting video categories and unifying the concept of the entire channel .

Take SEO measures

YouTube videos also show up in search results on search engines such as Google. Therefore, proper SEO measures can increase search traffic .

Don’t forget to take SEO measures like your website, such as setting keywords in the title and summary column, playing time, and devising thumbnails.

don’t slow down update

If you have a channel that is constantly uploading new information and a channel that is not updated, it is clear that the former will be more popular. By uploading videos regularly, you will get more views, which in turn will lead to more subscribers .

Also, if you continue to update frequently, you will get used to video editing and transmission, and you will be able to reduce the work man-hours little by little.

You don’t need to update every day, but upload regularly.

Use subtitles and illustrations

Add subtitles to your videos to accommodate users who watch YouTube videos without sound or at double speed . According to a survey by an American advertising company, 75% of viewers watch videos on their smartphones without sound.

YouTube also has an “automatic subtitles function”, but there are quite a few voice recognition errors. Subtitles are essential for conveying information more accurately. In addition, using diagrams, tables, and illustrations for content that is difficult to understand in oral explanations will help users understand visually.

YouTube channel management with a B2B perspective

YouTube has a strong image of B2C marketing, but there are many ways to use it for B2B companies, such as business negotiations, exhibitions, and webinars.

In order to make YouTube marketing successful, it is important to plan and operate from a B2B perspective. Clarify your target and purpose, understand what your prospective customers and existing customers are looking for, and always keep in mind how to make videos easy to watch when creating a channel . The number of registrants will also increase, leading to improved brand power, sales, and improved customer experience. Please use the usage methods and examples introduced in this article to manage your own YouTube channel.



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