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HomeWeb AnalysisWeb advertising technology in the age of banner blindness. Recommend “native ads”...

Web advertising technology in the age of banner blindness. Recommend “native ads” effective for BtoB

Banner ads in the early days of the Internet had a click rate of over 1% due to their rarity. However, most of the cases are now less than 0.1% . In order to adapt to the large amount of information that can not be processed, the state of ” banner blindness ” that users unconsciously ignore banner advertisements has become a problem.

No matter how many impressions you get, there is no point in running ads if they are not visible to users in the first place . Even in this situation, what kind of means are there to convey the message to the target audience ?

This time, we will explain the features of ” native ads ” as one of the ways to solve it and the points when using them.

Let’s use “native ads” that receive information naturally

As banner blindness ignores advertisements, the expressions in web advertisements become more and more extreme, resulting in further ignoring by disgusting users.

A method called native advertising was born in such a situation. Native ads can appear in the same place and in much the same format as editorial content and feeds , which are the user’s primary focus .

With native ads, it is possible to receive information in a more natural way than with banner ads . There are two types of native ads that are effective in BtoB marketing: SNS in-feed ads and business media article ads .

(1) Ads in SNS feeds

Ads in SNS feeds are native ads that can be displayed in a manner similar to content posted by general users . If you want to use it for BtoB , Facebook with excellent targeting accuracy or Twitter ‘s in-feed advertisement with excellent diffusivity with many business users is effective.

With ads in the SNS feed , you can choose the delivery method that suits your purpose, such as reach expansion, action acquisition, and engagement acquisition. Also, you can start with a small budget.

However, if you distribute it in a form that looks like an advertisement , you will not be able to receive the information naturally. The point is to keep the design of the image as low as possible and choose an ad format that is similar to an organic post.

Social media in-feed ads also have the following benefits:

Users browse with the attitude that “there is information for me”

A social media feed is a place where content customized to the user’s interests is displayed. On Twitter , you can see posts and retweets of people you follow, and on Facebook, you can see information about friends and acquaintances.

Therefore, if you place an advertisement in the SNS feed, it is possible to have it viewed with the attitude that there is information for you . Your company’s message can be delivered to users who may not be interested in banner ads .

You can reach your target audience

Banner ads that purchase a limited amount of space usually increase the delivery unit price by targeting, but with SNS ads , there is no cost for targeting itself. The ability to reach targeted users at low cost is a feature of SNS in-feed ads .

You can target users by keywords in their posts , by areas of interest, and more. Therefore, it is possible to reach company representatives in the industry that is included in your company’s target.

The frame itself has a sense of measure and topic

When placing an ad , not only the content of the ad creative, but also the message itself, ‘ in which frame it will be placed ‘. One of the advantages of exposing information on major social networking sites that users interact with for a long time every day is that you can make effective use of the reliability and topicality of the frame itself.

(2) Business media article advertisement

In the case of BtoB , where logical consideration is made when introducing products and services , persuasion in the form of articles is also effective, so ” advertisement advertisements ” are actively used. With business media article advertisements , you can effectively reach the people in charge of your target company.

If you request an article advertisement , you will be able to unravel and convey the goodness of your company’s service in the usual media narrative. Therefore, they are more persuasive than banner ads .

In addition, advertorials have the following benefits:

Allows the “reader” to read the text instead of the user

In the case of users who are reached by banner ads or listing ads , it is common for them to skim or skim to get the information they want immediately. Therefore, even if you create content such as a landing page , you may not be able to convey enough information.

On the other hand, with article advertisements , it is possible to reach readers who are willing to travel through the media and read the article carefully. Higher advertising effectiveness can be expected because the features and benefits of products and services are sufficiently communicated.

The editorial department who knows the reader thoroughly will “translate”

Regardless of the medium or format, when using web advertising , it is important to optimize the appeal method according to the target layer. Depending on the target user ‘s prior knowledge and the issues they are facing, the approach to attracting interest and the logic of persuasion will change.

In the case of article advertisements , it is possible to entrust the optimization of the content to the editorial department, which edits the articles every day and monitors the reactions of readers . Our editorial department, who knows our readers thoroughly, understands the merits of our products and services, and then translates them into easy-to-understand forms to create article advertisements .

Get endorsement from business media

Although article advertisements have AD notation indicating that they are advertisements, it is also an advantage that you can get a sense of endorsement from the business media that publishes them Reliability is enhanced by recommendation from a ” third-party perspective ” with a media logo .

Therefore, even services that have just been released or products that are not well known can be effectively appealed. With article ads , you can gain credibility that is difficult to obtain with banner ads , which are often shunned .

Ferret also provides article advertisement service

Ferret, which has many marketers as readers, also offers a menu of article advertisements . For business people and marketers who are in the “reading” mode of articles, the ferret editorial department, which has accumulated insight into readers for many years through various contents, will appropriately “translate” and convey the appeal of the service .

There is also an article that summarizes the article advertisement in detail, including case studies, so if you are interested, please check it out.

Aim to increase sales and awareness with article advertisements! Prices and media selection points

In order to increase the sales of a product or service, it is essential to first advertise it widely. Furthermore, when placing article advertisements in the media, it is important to select media that match the characteristics of the product or service. In this article, we will introduce the features of article advertising, the price range, and points for choosing media.

messages you want to receive

Native ads are not “ ads and formats that are not noticed” because they also have AD notation in the first place. It is a way to deliver messages in a natural way as possible to users who are tired of banner ad spaces full of expressions that make them feel uncomfortable .

In native ads, which deliver messages outside of the frame that people think they don’t want to see anymore , it is important to clearly communicate what the advertisement should convey while ensuring the pleasantness of the expression. Be aware of the messages your target users want to receive and use native ads.



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