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HomeWeb AnalysisWhat are the tips for successful website operation seen from CMS introduction...

What are the tips for successful website operation seen from CMS introduction cases? Introduction according to worries and issues

For corporate web managers, the introduction of a CMS ( content management system) has various benefits, such as improved website operation efficiency , cost reduction , and increased customer attraction .

In this article, we will introduce examples of CMS implementations according to the problems and issues that companies actually had , and explain so that you can have a successful image.

Table of contents

  1. ​​[By subject] CMS implementation case study
  2. Implementation example of CMS “ferret One”, which is ideal for BtoB marketing
  3. What you need to know before introducing a CMS
  4. Choose a CMS that can solve your company’s problems

[By subject] CMS implementation case study

We will introduce successful cases of CMS introduction for each of the four issues that tend to occur in corporate website operations.

Issue [1] Want to reduce the cost and time required to operate the website

First, let’s take a look at two companies that have greatly improved the efficiency of their website update work.

● In-house weekly site update, successful in significant cost reduction

Lotte, a major confectionery manufacturer, needed to update its website frequently with new product launches every week .

In the past, we had outsourced all of our website operations to an external operation and production company .

Therefore, we introduced a CMS and established a “digital promotion team” within the company. We were able to manage the website in-house, and succeeded in significantly reducing annual costs .

● Efficient updating and new construction of websites of group companies

The “Hitachi Group” develops a wide range of businesses, including home appliances, building systems, and the energy business. In 2000, we introduced brand management in earnest and began working on a web brand strategy.

However, when we delved into the issues of our website , we found three issues: “building a governance system,” “ensuring consistency within the website,” and “reducing operating costs. 

For the “Hitachi Group”, which has a large number of group companies, it turned out that it would take a considerable amount of man-hours to actually put these issues into a website . Therefore, we decided to introduce a CMS .

As a result, website updates and new construction work have become extremely speedy , leading to overwhelming efficiency improvements.

Problem [2] Worried about the speed and cost of revisions after renewal

Next, we will introduce the case studies of two companies that introduced CMS as a result of website renewal and switched to in-house website renewal, which led to success.

● In-house production with the introduction of CMS, enriched content required by customers

“Bell Art Co., Ltd.” is a company in Hyogo Prefecture that deals with renovation work of buildings.

We had outsourced website creation and operation to an external company, but we felt that the speed of creation and updating was an issue, so we decided to take the opportunity to renew our website and introduce CMS .

By choosing a CMS that can be quickly updated in-house , the speed of updating and adding content requested by customers (frequently asked questions, construction examples, etc.) has increased .

By adding an inquiry form that had not been installed before and a My Page for customers , we were able to improve the website to make it easier for users to make inquiries and requests.

● Significant improvement speed without being affected by the operating status of engineers and designers

LIFULL HOME’S Sumai no Madoguchi is a free consultation service for choosing and building a home. We provide support for users to find their ideal properties and real estate companies.

In the past, having to ask designers and engineers for even a small update was a big issue, and I was worried about man-hours, time, and costs.

Therefore , we introduced a CMS as a result of the website renewal. Even members without knowledge of HTML can now update and improve when they want , without being affected by the operating status of engineers and designers .

It is now possible to frequently replace creatives and expressions on the website and verify the effect, and the percentage of users transitioning to the “video call consultation” page on the website has increased by 20%.

Issue [3] I want to increase the number of leads and orders received via the website

Here are two examples of companies that have used CMS to renovate their websites and enhance the content that customers want, which has led to an increase in inquiries via the web .

● Inquiries that rarely came before now come every month

“AIM CREATE Co., Ltd.”, which handles space production and interior business. The main problem was that the website was not compatible with smartphones and that it could not be freely modified within the company.

Outsourcing to an external company would require time and money for each update, so we were in a situation where we could hardly update the site . We aimed to create a website that can focus on digital sales .

As a result of the renewal, when sales representatives make proposals to clients, they are now able to show construction examples on their website and use them as sales materials .

In addition, by enriching the content such as construction examples that users want, the length of stay has increased, and it is now possible to receive inquiries that lead to business negotiations every month, which was almost impossible before .

● 10 times more inquiries

“Knowledge Wire Co., Ltd.” is engaged in consulting business related to copyright . We had a problem in reaching a limited customer base (medical and science and engineering fields), and we were having trouble acquiring new leads.

Therefore, with the aim of creating a website that can approach customers , we decided to renew it and introduced a CMS .

While making full use of the support and proposals from the CMS provider side , we have arranged the content required by customersnewly added Q&A content . As a result, the number of inquiries received increased nearly 10 times.

Problem [4] Mass production of LP (landing page)


“Sakura Forest Co., Ltd.” operates healthcare EC sites. At the timing when the business performance, which had been growing steadily for a long time, leveled off, it was decided to review the marketing tools used in the company.

At that time, we introduced new IT tools equipped with various marketing functions, including CMS . Previously , we were using a different CMS , and it took a lot of time to create article content and LPs . .

The speed of PDCA has greatly accelerated, and it has become possible to produce article LPs with high response one after another.

Implementation example of CMS “ferret One” specialized for BtoB marketing

There are various products for CMS , but we recommend “ferret One” for companies that are considering strengthening web marketing for BtoB business . In addition to having functions specialized for BtoB marketing , it also has extensive support that teaches operational know-how.

Here, we introduce case studies of three companies that successfully implemented ferret One to strengthen their marketing activities.

Cost reduction of 1.5 million yen in 3 months after introduction. Increased speed of action

Shigaku Co., Ltd. is a consulting company that supports corporate management and problem solving in organizational operations .

Previously, we used another CMS , but it was not suitable for mass production of pages , and we always had to outsource when creating and updating pages. It took a lot of time and money, and there were a lot of restrictions .

Under such circumstances, I learned about “ferret One” and decided to introduce it with the expectation of realizing ” easy page updating “, ” cost reduction by in-house production ” and ” speeding up measures “.

As a result, we were able to reduce the cost by 1.5 million yen in 3 months of introduction, and we were able to keep the CPA below 50%.

Strengthen online customer attraction despite lack of marketing know-how and resources

“KIRIN naturals” is engaged in welfare services for corporations, providing beverages and seminars to improve health literacy in offices.

This business was a new business for Kirin Beverage Company, Limited, and it was necessary to focus on acquiring new customers. However, within the company, the lack of know-how and resources for attracting customers on the web was an issue.

In order to strengthen the system for web marketing development we were collecting various information . , I would like to cooperate with a company that consistently supports the subsequent operation.”

So I decided to introduce “ferret one”. The decisive factor was that we could receive comprehensive support and proposals from the creation of a website suitable for new businesses to the establishment of an operational system for measures to attract customers on the web.

In the future, it seems that they want to accumulate know-how on attracting customers on the web and horizontally develop other businesses.

LP repair period shortened from 2 months to 2 weeks, strengthening customer attraction

“SB Gift Co., Ltd.” develops support business for corporate gift campaigns .

In the past, I used to outsource the production of websites, but when I asked a production company to repair the LP, it took about 1 to 2 months . did not.

Therefore, we decided to introduce “ferret One” in order to make the website production in-house. Since it is easy to operate, updating work is smooth even for members who do not have much experience with the Web , and it is possible to operate with a small number of people , and the LP repair period has been greatly shortened .

In addition, the man-hours that have been consumed by outsourcing until now have been reduced at once, and the cost has been greatly improved. Since the company aims to increase sales via the website , it has the prospect of further utilizing “ferret One” to enhance the content and more than double the number of inquiries .

Overwhelmingly easy-to-use domestic CMS!

Ferret One allows you to create and update websites and LPs with no code

What you need to know before introducing a CMS

There are many different products for CMS . I will explain three points you should know before considering introduction / transfer.

Various usability

There are many CMS products that claim that they can create web pages with no code and without knowledge of HTML or CSS .

However , be aware that not all CMS are equally easy to use, and feature rich and customizable CMS may require a certain amount of expertise .

In some cases, the man-hours of engineers and designers are required, and in the end, there may be cases where the number of people who can operate the CMS is limited.

Therefore, when choosing a CMS , it is important to understand how much knowledge and skills the product requires, and then choose the one that best fits your team’s capabilities and needs.

Choose based on learning costs

When introducing a new CMS , pay attention to the “ tool learning cost ”.

The point is to choose a CMS that has an intuitive UI , relatively low learning costs*, does not require advanced skills, and allows anyone to easily manage and update content .

By choosing such a CMS , you can prevent personalization, make it easier to share work, and reduce the burden of handing over when members are replaced.

For BtoB companies! CMS comparison guide

In this book, we especially organize recommended CMS for each site type of BtoB business, such as corporate site / service site / EC site. We present a comparison table that summarizes the necessary functions for each.

Confirmation of support system

Be sure to check the availability of the support system before the introduction.

In many cases, CMS is introduced to solve problems such as “because it is a small-scale and limited web operation system” and “because we lack in-house know-how and resources and want to make website operations more efficient.” .

In addition to simply providing tools, there are also cases where the tools have been able to demonstrate their effectiveness due to the great help of the subsequent support system ( website construction and web marketing system construction support).

The point is the know-how and literacy of the company’s web operation and web marketing team .

Please carefully consider the points such as “Do you need generous support?”

Choose a CMS that can solve your company’s problems

The point of CMS selection is “whether it can solve the problems of the company”. If the problem to be solved is not yet clearly defined, it is a good idea to first clarify “ what should be solved first ” and narrow down the points.

Various companies have achieved results such as improving website operation efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing the ability to attract customers by introducing CMS .




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