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What is Twitter Ad Targeting? Explanation of types, setting methods, and tips for achieving results

Targeting is an important part of developing a marketing strategy. However, different mediums have different targeting methods.

Therefore, this time, we have summarized the types of targeting in Twitter Ads , setting methods, and tips for targeting. If you’re thinking of using Twitter Ads in the future , please take a look.

Table of contents

  1. Targeting is important in Twitter ads
  2. Types of targeting available in Twitter Ads
  3. How to set up targeting in Twitter Ads
  4. Tips for getting results with Twitter Ads
  5. Twitter Ads Success Stories Using Targeting
  6. Get better results from your Twitter ads with the right targeting!

Targeting is important in Twitter ads

Targeting is key to getting the most out of your Twitter Ads . If you set appropriate targeting by focusing on your company’s target audience and users who are interested in your company’s products, you can expect to improve conversion rates and cost effectiveness .

In order to achieve results efficiently, be sure to perform targeting before placing an ad .

Types of targeting available in Twitter Ads

There are three main types of targeting that can be set in Twitter Ads .

  • Audience characteristics
  • audience type
  • existing audience

Let’s take a look at each.

Audience characteristics

In the audience characteristics, targeting settings as shown in the table below are possible.

item What can be narrowed down
Geographical targeting Country/Region/Metropolitan Area/City/Postal Code
language targeting Languages ​​used in tweets and profiles
Device targeting Smartphone terminal, mobile carrier, Wi-Fi connected terminal
age targeting User age groups such as 13-24 and 18-49
gender targeting Gender of the user, whether male, female, or gender


Geographical targeting allows you to target people based on where they live. Language targeting can be divided into various languages ​​such as Japanese, English, French, German, and Bengali.

In device targeting, in addition to specifying the OS such as iPhone only or Android only , it is also possible to specify devices such as iPhone 11 only .

With age targeting, you can set a detailed age range such as all ages or 18 to 49 years old. Gender targeting is characterized by being able to reach only men, only women, or regardless of gender.

audience type

Audience types can be set for targeting as shown in the table below.

item What can be narrowed down
conversation targeting Select Conversation Topic
event targeting Users showing interest in events taking place in each country
Tweet engager targeting Users who viewed or interacted with past ads
Keyword targeting Search and tweet for specific keywords
Movie and TV show targeting Reactions or tweets to specific movies or TV shows
interest targeting users interested in a particular category
Targeting accounts with similar followers Users with similar reactions to followers


Conversation targeting allows you to narrow down by selecting conversation topics such as sports and music. Event targeting allows you to narrow down users who are interested in events held in each country, such as sports competitions and the Olympics.

In this way, targeting by audience type makes it possible to finely narrow down users based on their interests, tweet content, reaction, etc.

existing audience

For existing audiences, target with follower targeting , custom audiences , etc.

Follower targeting is a mechanism to reach followers of a specific account and accounts with similar interests . You can also specify existing followers of your own account .

Custom Audiences can be approached to specific users using various data sharing functions , and there are three main types:

● List
A method of uploading a company-owned list (data) such as email addresses and targeting a specific account .

● Website Activity
Target people who have recently visited your website.

App Activity Reach groups of accounts that have taken a specific action (such as an install or registration) on
your app

In this way, it is characterized by the fact that it is possible to approach by narrowing down to users who are highly relevant to your company.

How to set up targeting in Twitter Ads

Next, I will explain how to set targeting in Twitter Ads .

create an advertising campaign

First, create an ad campaign . You can set the objective and campaign name for the ad campaign , so let’s proceed according to the procedure. After that, we will set the budget and the start date and end date of the advertisement in order.

Select the type of targeting to set

Once you’ve created your ad campaign , the next step is to choose the type of targeting you’d like to set. The following four types of targeting can be set.

  • Audience characteristics
  • terminal
  • Targeting function
  • custom audience

Each can be set in detail, so let’s target to match the target audience of the advertisement . Targeting will make it easier for your ads to reach your target audience, and you will be able to get results efficiently.

For more information on how to start Twitter Ads , please refer to the article below for a detailed explanation with screen captures .

[For Beginners] Explaining how to advertise on Twitter! Metrics to watch and creative creation points

By using Twitter ads, it is possible to set targets and work on attracting customers and increasing awareness. For those who are new to Twitter Ads, we will explain how to place them, the indicators to look at, and the points for creating creatives.

Tips for getting results with Twitter Ads

Here are some tips for getting results with Twitter Ads . If you are thinking of placing an ad in the future , please refer to the following as well.

Don’t be too narrow-minded at first

When targeting, use multiple rather than single . This is because if you want to narrow down your target too much and make your targeting singular, the effect may be diminished.

Especially at the beginning, it is said that targeting from various angles is more effective. It is recommended to target as much as possible while considering the budget.

Create creatives that engage users

To get the most out of your Twitter Ads , it’s also important to create creative that engages your users.

For example, tweets can be up to 140 characters long, but people tend to prefer simple 25-50 characters over limitless characters . Try to keep your writing short and engaging while keeping to the point.

It is also effective to include words such as ” limited time offer ” and ” don’t miss this opportunity “. If you use words that make you think that you should act now, you can aim to increase the number of CVs.

Analyze and improve regularly

It is important to review the creative and targeting on a regular basis , rather than the end of Twitter advertising once it is published . Let’s improve the content while analyzing the effect obtained from the advertisement .

It is also recommended to delete unnecessary targeting and use new necessary targeting.

Twitter Ads Success Stories Using Targeting

Finally, let’s take a look at some successful examples of Twitter Ads targeting.

Sales increased by 500% in two years [Maneql Co., Ltd.]


Maneql Co., Ltd., which sells “L Step”, a function expansion tool for LINE official accounts , has increased sales by 500% in two years by using Twitter advertisements that utilize targeting.

The company, whose main target is BtoC companies in general, uses Twitter ads to develop new customers. While tweeting useful content for users, they used Twitter ads to develop new customers.

We are targeting users who are connected to influencers who use L-step , and we are producing results efficiently.

New customer acquisition increased 4.8 times [Nash Corporation]


Nash Co., Ltd., which handles nutritious and delicious lunch boxes, increased the number of new customers acquired by 4.8 times through Twitter ads . At the same time as communicating with customers on Twitter , we aim to acquire new customers through advertisements .

Start with a small budget at first, then gradually increase the budget and operate while repeating analysis and improvement. As a result, we have successfully acquired new customers.

Advertisements featuring men are also characterized by targeting according to the creative , such as targeting men and young people .

Get better results from your Twitter ads with the right targeting!

Targeting Twitter Ads is not just a matter of doing it, it is necessary to scrutinize it according to the content of the ad and the target demographic. Proper targeting should yield better results.

Also, targeting is not the end once done. Let’s aim for a more effective advertisement while regularly reviewing, analyzing, and improving.



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