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HomeReviews9 failure examples of EC site construction! Introducing points to note

9 failure examples of EC site construction! Introducing points to note

Insufficient functionality, difficulty in using the UI , and cost issues are some of the points that make it easy to fail when building an EC site.

Not only when starting a new EC business, but also in order to solve problems with an EC site that is already in operation, let’s grasp the points of building an EC site.

In this article, we will explain common failures in EC site construction with specific examples.

Table of contents

  1. Points that are easy to fail in EC site construction
  2. Examples of failures and points to note regarding functionality
  3. Failure cases and points to note regarding UI
  4. Examples of cost failures and points to note

Points that are easy to fail in EC site construction

The points that are easy to fail in building and operating an EC site can be roughly divided into three.

1. Lack of functionality

EC site functions range from those for customers such as product searches and payment forms to those for business operators such as delivery status and inventory management . The functions available on the EC site differ depending on the type of service and plan. It is a common mistake to choose a system with few functions and not be able to build the EC site you want to realize.

2. Difficult to use UI

It is important not only to have functions, but also whether the UI is easy to use. If the UI used by customers, such as product pages and My Pages for members , is difficult to use , the conversion rate will drop and abandonment will occur. In addition, if the UI used by the business operator is difficult to use, it can lead to reduced operational efficiency and operational errors .

3. Cost issues

In the EC business, not only the initial cost of building the EC site, but also various costs such as running costs , optional function usage fees , and settlement fees are incurred. Also, if you change the EC system in the middle, you will need a high replacement cost .

Examples of failures and points to note regarding functionality

I would like to introduce specific examples of the “lack of functionality”, “difficulty in using the UI”, and “problems related to cost” mentioned above .

Common failures in terms of functionality include that the EC system does not support the sales methods and marketing measures that you want to realize , and that the degree of freedom in setting is low.

Failure example 1 : There is no regular course or distribution meeting function

As measures to increase customer unit price and LTV in EC business , sales methods such as regular courses and distribution party models can be mentioned. However, depending on the EC system, these sales methods may not be supported , or the degree of freedom in setting may be low even if the function itself is available .

In order to carry out regular mail order, it is necessary to have a function to automate the monthly order flow. In the distribution party model, in which different products are sent regularly each time, the value of the experience increases if the customer can select the products they like.

In particular, if you are doing repeat sales of single items or regular sales of multiple items, let’s check the functions related to sales methods in detail.

Failure example 2 : CVR does not increase because there is no function to prevent cart abandonment

” Dropped cart “, which means that the customer leaves the shopping cart after placing it in the cart, is one of the factors that reduce the conversion rate ( CVR ) of EC sites. In general, the more steps required to complete a checkout , the greater the risk of cart abandonment .

The form -integrated LP creation function is one of the effective measures against abandoned carts. If you can set up a form that can be entered as it is on the LPyou can omit the transition from the LP to the form screen. In addition, the function to skip the confirmation screen and the function to remind users who have dropped their baskets by email laterare also effective.

Failure example 3 : Unable to edit text such as registration completion email

In an EC system with insufficient functionality, it may not be possible to edit the content of automatically sent emails on the business side .

Automatic reply emails at the time of member registration and order completion are important as customer contact points in EC business. For example, if you include information about ongoing campaigns and recommended products in the text of the email, you may be interested.

At the stage of choosing an EC system, check how much you can edit the email templates prepared in advance.

Failure cases and points to note regarding UI

In the EC site UI , there are failure cases such as not being able to see the status in the cart and not being able to specify the shipping date and time. Another common mistake is the inability to adapt to differences in display devices . Here, we introduce failure cases related to UI .

Failure case 4 : Mini cart is not displayed

A mini-cart is a function that displays the information of the products in the shopping cart on the EC site screen. If the mini-cart is not displayed, users will not be able to see the products they have selected and the total price at a glance , which will reduce user convenience .

In particular, for EC sites that handle many types of products, it is more convenient to display a mini cart. If you can check the status in the shopping cart without switching screens, you can smoothly select multiple products. Also, if you can display information such as “free shipping for orders of how many yen more” on the mini cart, it is possible to encourage additional orders.

Failure case 5 : User cannot specify shipping date and receiving time

Depending on the UI of the e-commerce site , the user may not be able to specify the shipping date and pick-up time of the product, which may lead to withdrawal . It is important to check whether the shipping date and receipt time can be changed on the order form or My Page for customers .

If you prepare a regular course, let’s check what kind of pattern there is on the delivery date. With a UI that allows customers to flexibly select delivery patterns such as “15th of every month” or “2nd Saturday”, it is possible for business operators to save the trouble of responding individually.

Failure example 6 : Cannot edit the screens of smartphones and PCs individually

One of the most common mistakes is that the e-commerce sites for smartphones and PCs cannot be edited separately, making the display difficult to understand . If you can only create LPs for smartphones, the tagline and CTA button may not be displayed on the first page view of the PC .

Whether or not there is a responsive function that optimizes the display according to the screen size of the device is a point to be aware of when building an EC site. Also, by actually displaying and checking the created EC site on multiple devices , display failures can be avoided.

Examples of cost failures and points to note

Common failures in terms of cost include unexpected costs due to the addition of options and the introduction of external tools, and the inability to lower the payment fee rate. This section introduces specific examples of cost-related failures and points to note.

Failure example 7 : Adding options increases running costs

EC system functions are generally divided into standard functions that can be used within the range of the basic charge and optional functions that require an additional charge. A common mistake is to choose a system with a small number of standard built-in functions and add options that increase running costs.

At the stage of building an EC site, it is important to identify the functions required by the company and select a system that meets the necessary requirements. Also, when using optional functions, calculate the total cost and compare the systems to be introduced.

Failure case 8 : Additional costs due to introduction of external tools

If the EC site lacks functionality and requires the introduction of external tools, there is a risk of unexpected additional costs .

For example, it would be ideal for an EC site to have functions that give coupons and points according to customer attributes and purchase history as a standard feature. If the function to implement measures for each customer segment is lacking, it will be necessary to introduce external tools such as CRM and MA.

It is important to check the functions for customer management and marketing and choose a cost-effective EC system.

Failure case 9 : Unable to negotiate the rate of settlement fees

The rate of settlement fee for credit card settlement and deferred payment settlement may be lowered through negotiations with the settlement company. However, when you contract with a cart system company, it is common that the rate cannot be changed as it was at the time of contract .

In order to be able to adjust the payment fee rate after business expansion, it is important to be careful when building an EC site.

Let’s build an EC site that suits your company based on common mistakes

When building an EC site, it is necessary to pay attention to the functions that can be used, the ease of use of the UI , and the cost. By knowing the points that are easy to fail, you can build an easy-to-use and profitable EC site . Let’s build an EC site with the necessary functions according to the products handled by your company and the measures you want to take.



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