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Thorough comparison of 5 differences between GA4 and UA | Explanation of changes and common points

With the transition from UA to GA4, the main axis of analysis will change significantly. Therefore, GA4 and UA must be used as completely different access analysis tools.

In this article, we will summarize the differences between GA4 and UA into five categories and introduce specific changes. Comparing each tool will enable a smoother transition to GA4.

Table of Contents

Differences between GA4 and UA concepts

Differences between GA4 and UA concepts

The biggest difference between GA4 and UA is that the main axis of analysis has changed from “session” to “user” . It can be said that the concept of design itself has changed, not “different versions of the same tool”.

A session refers to a series of operations performed by a user who visits a website, and the action from landing on a page to leaving is counted as one session. Since each device, such as a computer or smartphone, is counted as a separate session, there was the problem that the behavior of individual users could not be accurately captured with conventional analysis centered on sessions.

Recently, a lifestyle in which one user browses websites using multiple devices such as personal computers, smartphones, and tablets has become established. In other words, it is not possible to obtain accurate data on each user’s behavior if measurement is performed for each different device like conventional UA.

The “user-centered” analysis axis adopted in GA4 is a mechanism that supports new user behavior that can identify the same user even when accessing from different terminals . Measuring data by user rather than by session makes it easier to find the segment that best fits your company.

Mr. Ogawa, a web analyst, talks as follows.

“In the early days of Google Analytics, there was no concept of a tool for analyzing users. It has become

In the conventional session-based, user behavior is divided, and even if you follow the conversion, you cannot see the original behavior. Think of GA4 as a new tool designed to analyze user behavior. ”

Specific changes between GA4 and UA

Since the concept of Google Analytics has been significantly updated, there are also differences in detailed specifications between GA4 and UA. Please refer to the list of differences between GA4 and UA.

From here, we will explain the five points of comparison in detail.

1. Data measurement method

UA used a session-based measurement method, but in GA4, when the user takes some action, all of that action is measured as an event. Until now, PV and e-commerce were measured separately, but from GA4, they will be aggregated as events .

UA can analyze data related to page transitions such as “user moved from page A to page B”, but cannot grasp information that does not involve page transitions such as “downloaded materials on page”. On the other hand, GA4, which measures only in terms of events, makes it possible to collect behavioral data that leads to conversion and engagement without the user switching pages.

GA4 also enables data measurement across websites and apps.

UA has a function called “view” that allows you to register multiple websites in one account and display the measurement data of each. In GA4, a function called “data stream” has been added instead of view, so that individual data can be collected from websites, iOS applications, and Android applications.

2. Changed the definition of indicators

GA4 changed or eliminated the metric definitions used in UA due to a fundamental change in how data is measured . The metrics that have changed are:

Instead of removing most of the metrics used in UA, GA4 adds the following new metrics:

Engagement refers to user actions that occur within a website. Engagement metrics give you a deeper insight into user behavior and needs than ever before.

3. Menu change

While UA had 10 side menus, GA4 has changed to a simple menu with 6 items. Reports that were divided into detailed items such as “users” and “customers” have been simplified, and “exploration” and “advertisement” items have been added.

The search function is especially useful when you want to analyze from multiple perspectives based on aggregated data. By using the search function, you can freely combine multiple items such as the source and destination of the page to create your own graphs and tables.

4. Report layout

GA4 has a simpler report layout than UA. There are only four metrics displayed on the screen from the beginning: users, new users, average engagement time, and total revenue.

In addition, GA4 reports can be selected according to the purpose: “for summary”, which allows you to grasp only the overall data, and “for analysis”, which allows you to create detailed reports by narrowing down specific indicators. This is a big difference from UA, which displayed a huge amount of reports without classification of purpose.

5. Added tools that can be linked

With GA4, you can now link with “BigQuery”, which was previously only possible with Google Analytics 360, for free.

BigQuery is a big data analysis service provided by Google. It is originally a tool for high-speed processing of accumulated data, but by linking with GA4, it will be possible to integrate and analyze user behavior history information managed by BigQuery with GA4 data. .

Common points between GA4 and UA

Common points between GA4 and UA

UA and GA4 have not changed the purpose itself of “improving the performance of the website”. GA4 is now able to measure behavioral data more accurately than UA, and has evolved to allow due diligence of website performance.

That said, the way they measure data is so different that they have little in common. Therefore, let’s regard them as access analysis tools that are similar but different.

Until July 1, 2023, when the support period ends, you can use UA as usual. Until then, we recommend using GA4 and UA together and gradually getting used to GA4 operation.

Setting method when using GA4 and UA together

For those who have been using UA until now, it would be a good idea to use both tools until the end of support and gradually get a feel for GA4 so that you can smoothly transition to GA4. When using tools together, the following settings are required for both UA and GA4.

How to set up UA (Universal Analytics)

You can continue to use UA until July 1, 2023, when the support period ends.

In order to use GA4 at the same time, it is necessary to create GA4 properties from UA in the form of migration. 

If you are using Google Analytics for the first time, you can choose between UA and GA4 when registering your account. If you want to use UA as well as GA4, you should create both properties.

How to set up GA4 (Google Analytics 4 property)

After performing the migration procedure on UA, it is necessary to configure the settings on the newly created GA4 side as well. You need to enable GA4 and paste the measurement tag on your website.

If you have been setting events using GTM (Google Tag Manager) so far, there is no need to change variables or triggers. However, be careful because you have to reconfigure the conditions only for the tag part.

Points when using GA4 and UA together

Points when using GA4 and UA together

The following two points should be noted when using GA4 and UA together.

Do not compare GA4 and UA measurement data

When using GA4 and UA together, you may want to compare the data of both. However, since the measurement methods of GA4 and UA are very different in the first place, it is not possible to simply compare values ​​such as “PV” and “impressions” that look similar.

Also, considering the end of support, it is better to get used to GA4 at an early stage .

Backing up UA measurement data

UA will end support on July 1, 2023, and no new data measurements will be made. Also, after January 2024, you will not be able to view the UA report screen.

UA data cannot be exported to GA4, so complete the property transfer process by June 30, 2023 at the latest. It is recommended to save the accumulated UA measurement data in Excel or Google Spreadsheet.

Understanding the differences between GA4 and UA for a smooth transition

GA4 and UA have a big difference in the measurement method. Different measurement methods lead to differences in the types and definitions of indicators, so they must be used as completely different access analysis tools.

Until July 1, 2023, when the support period ends, you can continue to use UA as before, so it would be a good idea to gradually get used to the operation and thinking of GA4 while using GA4 and UA together.

Knowing the difference between GA4 and UA will make it easier to understand GA4, which has significantly different specifications, and make a smooth transition. GA4 is still being updated regularly, so don’t forget to collect information.

Finally, here is some advice from web analyst Mr. Ogawa.

“Let’s complete the transition to GA4 by the end of 2022 at the latest, and put it into operation in half a year.

Since the axis of analysis changes, you may be at a loss as to whether the items to be checked should be changed or which items should be emphasized. If there is a reason to look at PVs and sessions as KPIs, there is no problem in continuing to look at them.

Also, you will be able to use BigQuery for free, so if you want to use BI tools, please connect BigQuery first. After that, let’s link with other BI tools. Currently, there are few tools that have been officially released for API linkage, but they should support most of them. ”



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