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HomeReviewsExplain how to acquire, install, and check Google Ads tags!

Explain how to acquire, install, and check Google Ads tags!

Conversions are an important metric when looking at the performance of your ads. Install a measurement tag on your site and let Google Ads display conversions.

In this article, we will thoroughly explain how to acquire and install tags in Google Ads. This is an easy-to-understand explanation for beginners, so please use it as a reference.

Table of contents

The word “tag” is used in various ways, but in advertising operations, it basically refers to “measurement tags”.

A measurement tag is a program that can measure the access information and behavioral data of users visiting a website.

Installing tags in Google Ads offers the following benefits:

  • Determine if the results of your advertising are really paying off
  • Makes it easier to understand keywords that are likely to lead to results
  • By measuring the results, it is easy to improve the accuracy of machine learning in automatic bidding
  • Easy to understand whether there is a problem with the creative or a problem with the transition destination page

Without tags, it is impossible to understand user trends such as clicks and purchases, so in advertising operations, it is essential to install measurement tags on websites.

Google Ads tag types

There are two types of tags in Google Ads:

  • global site tag
  • event snippet

This section explains how each tag works.

global site tag

The global site tag (gtag.js) is a tag that acquires and saves information when a conversion occurs . It may also be used in Google Ads to create remarketing lists.

This tag must be placed on all pages for which you want to measure effectiveness. By setting the global site tag, you can get the following information.

  • Date the user visited the website
  • Gender of the user who visited the website
  • Types of advertisements through which the website was visited

If you use multiple Google services such as Google Ads and Google Analytics, you can share information with other services by issuing and installing tags in one of the services.

event snippet

An event snippet is a tag for tracking conversions. It measures the information acquired by the global site tag and plays the role of sending the information to the Google Ads management screen.

For example, let’s say you have set the conversion to “product purchase” and the user behavior that leads to conversion to “thanks page (purchase completion screen) page view”. In this case, when a user reaches the thank you page, it counts as one conversion.

How tag measurement works in Google Ads

Google Ads implements tag measurement along the following lines:

  1. A user accesses a page with a global site tag
  2. Global site tag fires (also known as firing)
  3. User information is collected by tags
  4. The user takes a conversion action from that page
  5. Event snippet fires
  6. Event snippets detect conversions and send information to Google Ads

Event snippets cannot stand alone and must always be placed in combination with the global site tag. The next chapter explains how to set specific tags.

How to get and install Google Ads tags

There are two ways to set up tags in Google Ads:

  • How to acquire and install from Google Tag Manager (GTM)
  • How to get and place from Google Ads


How to acquire and install from Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free tool that allows centralized management of measurement tags with only one Google account . In addition to Google Ads, it can be used with all Google services that require tags, such as Google Analytics and YouTube.

The method to obtain and install the measurement tag for Google Ads from Google Tag Manager is as follows.

  1. Register with Google Tag Manager (GTM)
  2. Install GTM tag on your website
  3. Setting up remarketing tags
  4. Create conversion actions from Google Ads
  5. Get/Add Conversion ID and Conversion Label
  6. set trigger
  7. Conversion linker settings

If you use multiple Google services, including Google Ads, it is more convenient to use Google Tag Manager, which allows centralized management of tags, rather than obtaining tags from Google Ads individually .

How to get and place from Google Ads

Here’s how to get and install measurement tags from Google Ads.

  1. Create conversion actions from Google Ads
  2. Get global site tag and event snippet
  3. Place a global site tag and event snippet on your website

The advantage of this method is that it is easy to set up without the need to use tools other than Google Ads. If you only have one type of website to install the tag, you can use this simple method .

How to check measurement results with tags

How to check measurement results with tags

Once you’ve installed your tags, it’s time to check that they’re working properly. You can check the measurement result by the tag by the following procedure.

  1. Sign in to Google Ads
  2. Click “Tools” in the upper right corner of the admin screen
  3. Select Measure > Conversions
  4. A list of conversions will be displayed.

Log in to the Google Ads management screen, click “Measurement > Conversions” from “Tools and settings” in the upper right corner.

Properly install tags to improve the operation of Google Ads

Google Ads has a wide variety of distribution destinations such as search-linked ads, display ads, and YouTube ads. Although Google’s brand power can be used to reach a wide range of users, it is necessary to improve the accuracy of targeting through effect measurement.

Impressions and clicks are some of the KPIs necessary to measure effectiveness, but conversions are particularly important as they are directly linked to advertising performance.

To measure conversions, you need to acquire and install tags from Tag Manager or Google Ads. Also, after installing the tag, check the management screen to see if the effect is being measured accurately.

By installing tags and checking conversions, you can accurately understand cost effectiveness and problem areas, which will lead to improved Google Ads operations. Use this article as a reference to quickly set up tags.



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